Showing posts with label Painted Bunting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Painted Bunting. Show all posts

Friday, November 24, 2017

How to Attract the PAINTED BUNTING

Painted Bunting
This article will give you all there is know about how to attract the most beautiful feathered friends in North America into your own garden, which is a difficult feat as they usually stay hidden most of the time.

Painted Bunting (Photo credit: Dan Pancamo)

Getting to Know Your Bird.The Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris) is a species of bird belonging to the Cardinal (Cardinalidae) family. It is so named because of its beautiful and brightly colored hues of dark blue head, green back, as well as red rump and underparts.

Boons of Attracting Birds.Because of their seemingly painted colors, they were once highly captured and caged such that they are shy and secretive. Even when they sing they remain in hiding and can be very difficult to spot because of their shy nature as well as their ability to camouflage the surroundings especially the females and juveniles. Being able to attract them into your yard and garden gives you the chance of witnessing these feathered beauties for yourself.

Laws of Attraction for the Painted Bunting.
To get the chance of having the Painted Bunting graze your garden or yard, you can use the following tips as a guide:

1) Make your environment welcome the birds. Landscape your gardens in such a way that will be suitable as a mating and nesting ground for the Painted Bunting and other bird species. Place several plant species of trees and bushes, which will give the birds a feel of their natural habitat of woodland and brushy, insuburban, and garden areas. You can ask from your local field guide for plants which are endemic in your area. It would also do you some good to research on specific plants which the Painted Bunting prefer and naturally thrive in. It is also important to keep any cause of disturbance away. For instance, if you have kids, make sure to situate their playground as far possible from your landscaped area. In addition, have nesting areas for the birds distanced as far from the trees and bushes to prevent attack from predators. Nesting areas need also to contain adequate ventilation and, again, a mechanism to protect from predators.

2) Provide for their needs. Just like any animal, offering the Painted Bunting with unlimited supply of food and water, most especially, will keep them within the confines of your yard. Because the birds are largely seed eaters, you can have a variety of seeds and add syrup and suet to the mix. To efficiently contain the food items, you can get any of the bird feeders which afford them with much privacy as possible when eating. You also need to provide a water source, and bird baths can help you do this. For both food and water, it is integral to keep them fresh to ensure consumption of the birds, thus, remaining in your area.

If you successfully achieve the feat of attracting the Painted Bunting in your garden and make them stay a long time to witness their mating and nesting habits, you can expect them to return in the succeeding months and years as they have found a niche in your garden or yard.

Monday, November 20, 2017

PAINTED BUNTING - Passerina Ciris

Painted Bunting - Passerina ciris

Sunday, October 22, 2017

PAINTED BUNTING - Passerina ciris

PAINTED BUNTING - Passerina ciris - Photo: Wikimedia