Monday, December 4, 2017

A CAIQUE PARROT Owner's Shopping List

Crash in Wonderland
Caique Parrot - Photo by Nik Voon 
Bringing home baby, and wondering what accessories are essential for your new fids well being? Well, we have got the perfect list to complement your shopping spree. Straight from the recommendations of caique owners are some tried-and-true, accessories and must-haves. We’ve got your back (and your kids, too).

Must Haves

The cage- this is the most important aspect of your bird's environment and one that needs the most consideration. Powder coating or stainless steel finish depends on your budget, but no matter the finish, when looking at a cage consider the various aspects. Cage size is recommended at 24 by 36, with less than one-inch bar spacing. Cages that open at the top are not recommended and look for cages that have parallel bars so your bird can easily navigate. The author of this article prefers flat top cages, but it all boils down to personal preference. Food and water dishes that are extended outside of the cage (giving more room within the inside of the cage) are recommended.

Perches- a minimum of 5 is recommended. Choose different textures, shapes, and sizes, to give your bird a variety of to perch upon. Caiques like to chew and shred, so natural branches that have bark attached are recommended so the bird can take joy in stripping the perch of its bark. Cholla perches, that are made of a natural cactus material, are also enjoyed. Slick perches like manzanita and dragonwood are not encouraged. Rope perches are a favorite among caiques, as they can bounce and play, chew and rub on the soft cotton material.

Food Dishes- stainless steel or ceramic are encouraged. Purchase an extra set so that you can throw the dirty ones in the dishwasher and still have a clean set on hand. Stainless steel dishes are often sold as ‘coop cups’ and can be purchased to fit your already existing food dish holder or come with their own attachment so the cups can be placed strategically within the cage. Caiques have a tendency to enjoy tipping over their food dish, so consider a dish such as the Quick Loc Crock, which literally locks in place.

Toys- Caiques love playing with toys- that’s a fact. The brighter, the bolder, the nosier- the better. Quick hint- check out the baby section of your local discount store. Hard plastic keys, teething rings, and rattles are bird safe and caique fun. Tried and true bird toys include the shreddable Parrot Pinatas, the mind-bending Crazy Leather Box, or the chewable Brainiac block. All of these toys challenge your bird's skills and increase activity while elevating boredom. The recommended number of toys is no less than 5 at one time in the bird's cage. With a caique, the more, the better, so don’t be stingy when it comes to playing items.

Emergency Medical Kit - If your bird breaks a blood feather, bangs a toenail, or injuries himself in any way, you want to be prepared. Accidents do happen, and caiques seem to be especially accident prone. A good basic medical kit will include self-adhering gauze (vetwrap is a popular choice), clean gauze, tweezers, hemostats, a pair of sharp scissors, antibacterial cream, and a heat pack. Many different types of medical kits are included, and the more comprehensive ones contain everything from emergency hand-feeding formula to forms that include your vet's contact information.

The Water Bottle- Caiques are bird chef want-to-be. Their specialty? Parrot stew. Whatever can go in the pot- er, in this cage, water dish- will. It can make providing a clean source of water frustrating at times. Especially when you go to change the water and you wonder why how on earth it turned a bright blue color, and what the heck are those floatie things? Trust me, you don’t want to ask questions. Some caiques, intelligent as they may be, don’t seem to realize that dunking that big chunk of brightly colored wood in the water doesn’t make the wood any easier to chew. There is a solution- water bottles. A water bottle can be hung, providing your pet with a constant source of fresh water, even if he has turned the once clean bowl of water into something less then delightful. When purchasing a water bottle, the recommended ones are made of glass (shy away from thinking plastic ones) and have stainless steel spouts and outfittings. Lixit brand is highly recommended.

The Snuggle Buddy- while this is the name of an actual product, in this article we refer to snuggle buddy as anything that your bird likes to sleep next to/in at night. Most caiques enjoy having a ‘happy hut’ type of tent to sleep in at night. There are a variety of tents and huts available for purchase. Looks for one made of long last material such as fleece, with the hanging attachments made of something similar to plastic chain link. Otherwise, the attachments that hold the hut to the cage can be easily chewed through by a bored bird. Other snuggle materials can include fleece swings, large cotton rope toy for the bird to snuggle, and other like materials.

Foraging system- Foraging is an important part of your birds wild, natural behavior. While we highly encourage a foraging model feeding system, because this theory and research are still relatively new and mainstream, we are categorizing a foraging system as an ‘accessory’ rather than an immediately required part of your bird's environment. Creative Foraging Systems is a new company that has a fantastic line of feeders and toys that are perfect for caiques. Allowing your bird to work for their food lets them re-create natural behavior that can potentially curb future behavioral issues. You have many options and choices when it comes to foraging, but we most highly recommend a foraging system as the main feeder and an accessory like the ever popular Crazy Maze as a supplemental item.

In Conclusion

This is just a sampling of items that can be purchased for your bird, and come highly recommended by owners. Look for other articles that include in-depth product reviews, food recommendations, play gym accommodations, and much more.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Carolina Wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus)

Carolina Wren Thryothorus ludovicianus) - Photo: Wikipedia

Saturday, December 2, 2017


English: Male Calliope Hummingbird (Stellula c...
Male Calliope Hummingbird (Stellula calliope) at feeder in Albuquerque, NM, USA (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Many individuals are fascinated by hummingbirds. So much so, that they will do anything in their power to attract these petite creatures to their yards. So what is the best way to attract these wee feathered friends?

Here are some tips to help make your home a hummingbird hotspot:

What Do Hummingbirds Eat?

Hummingbirds usually feed off flower nectar and sugar water that is left out for them in birdfeeders. They also feed off of small insects like ants, slugs, and spiders. If you really want to attract hummingbirds to your yard, make sure your bird feeder is always filled with nectar and sugar water.

What Should My Hummingbird Feeder or House Look Like?

It is a well-known fact that hummingbirds are attracted to the color red. That being said, if the feeder you already have isn’t red get out your paintbrush or stick a large red bow on it to get their attention. The best hummingbird feeders have perches for the birds to stand on while they feed. The holes in hummingbird feeders are just big enough for the little guys to fit their heads in, but they’re too small for squirrels and other larger animals so they can’t steal the food.

Refrain from painting your hummingbird feeder or house yellow because bees and wasps are attracted to these colors and also enjoy the taste of sweet nectar. You’ll want to keep insects as far away from your hummingbird feeders and houses as possible.

What Materials Should Hummingbird Houses or Feeders be made of?

Hummingbird feeders and houses are usually made of acrylic or glass. They are also available in wood and plastic; however, these do not work as effectively and may cause harm to the birds (slivers and cuts). Hummingbird houses and feeders come in a variety of sizes and shapes and usually contain numerous feeding areas throughout the feeder.

Where Should I my Hummingbird Feeder?

Ideally, a hummingbird feeder should be hung near a garden with bright flowers and plants. A flowery location is most likely to attract the attention of hummingbirds. For your viewing pleasure, you may want to hang your feeder in a place that can be easily seen from your home. For example, a hummingbird feeder hung in front of a window can be admired all day.

How Much Do Hummingbird Feeders Cost?

The styles and designs differ so much that it’s difficult to determine a specific price. Hummingbird feeders and houses can cost anywhere from $10 to $50 - depending on the style, design, and features.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Dealing with MACAW PARROTS

English: Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacint...
Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) showing side of head and neck. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Among the parrot family, Macaw parrots are known to have the largest number of members. According to studies, these colorful, flamboyant, and captivating birds have inhabited the planet ever since and there are actually at least 18 species of macaws recognized today.

Characterized by their playful nature, Macaw parrots have earned a hefty reputation of being one of the most interesting birds because of their high intelligence and beauty. Hailing from South and Central America as well as from the Caribbean islands, macaw parrots have been legendary for possessing a unique personality and lovable characteristics, which makes them loyal and great companion parrots.

But, despite of its superb potentials, most people say that Macaw parrots are not good pets because they possess destructive tendencies, raucousness, demanding, and very noisy large birds.

Macaw parrots are not among those most favorite parrot pets because they screech so loud that most owners cannot tolerate. Aside from being creating loud noise, macaw parrots also have a reputation of being very demanding birds.

If you are planning to purchase a Macaw parrot for a pet bird, you have to have a great deal of knowledge and research about the nature and characteristic of macaw parrots species so you would have an idea how to take care of them. Although this parrot specie is not the most suitable parrot pet an owner can have, these large birds can live from 25 to 80 years and even beyond if taken care of properly.

Understanding Macaw parrots

Among the so many species of macaw parrots, the most popular include the Blue and Gold Macaw, Blue and Yellow Macaw which are the most available and popular kind of macaw parrot for being adaptable, playful, curious, and fun loving;

Scarlet Macaw, Red and Yellow Macaw which are considered as among the top ten of the worlds most beautiful parrots; Greenwing Macaw, Maroon Macaw, Red and Green Macaw, Red and Blue Macaw which are extremely intelligent and inquisitive ones;

Military Macaw that has fine talking skills and a pleasant behavior;

Red Fronted Macaw, Red Crown or Crowned Macaw which are among the sweetest and amiable parrots;

Hyacinthine or Hyacinth Macaw which is the largest among the parrot family;

Hahn's Down which are full blooded Macaws which are talkative and thrive in attention and Severe Macaw which is an uncommon pet bird because of its small size.

Here are some points to consider before buying a macaw parrot:

1. Talking Ability. These parrots are not considered excellent talkers but have high capabilities for speech and can be very good at language interaction.

2. Personality. Macaw parrots are among the most demanding pet parrots there are so you better make sure that you can spend enough time to interact with your parrot. Because of its violent tendencies, owning a macaw parrot is not advisable for parents that have little children.

3. Basic necessities. Since they can be quite demanding and destructive if not given the proper care, you must make sure that you can provide the things the macaw parrot might need such as toys, acrobatics and love ropes, big and secure cage and proper diet.

4. Biting and Taming. Because of its complex personality, macaw parrots can be extremely aggressive if not handled properly. Bear in mind that macaw parrots’ temperament changes as time goes by so you better brace yourself for the best or the worst attitude this bird can exhibit.

Thursday, November 30, 2017


An example of a commercial home aviary
An example of a commercial home aviary (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Bird aviaries or bird cages to the plain-spoken are large enclosures for confining birds, not to keep them captive but to allow them larger living spaces where they can fly. Aviaries are also known to come with shrubs and plants to mimic their natural habitat. They can often be found in zoos and public parks, displaying birds of various colors and species for the public's enjoyment.

Aviaries were meant more to preserve certain bird species and for breeders' use. Often, it is not easy to mix bird species especially if you have no sufficient knowledge of their particular traits and habits but keeping them confined within aviaries offers a neutral environment which helps the birds settle down more easily. The most popular type of aviary is the home aviary, which is popular with breeders who have enough space in their backyards for it. Traditionally, aviaries were a DIY project but these days, commercial aviaries are available in various sizes to fit all kinds of spaces and budgets.

There are two main types of home aviaries: suspended and grounded. Grounded aviaries are fixed to the ground with a concrete base to keep rats, snakes and other predators from chewing their way in while suspended aviaries are either hung on trees or have supports that are affixed to the ground as another way to prevent predators from reaching the birds. However, choosing the best aviaries depends on a lot of factors, which makes shopping for them online quite a challenge especially if you don't have an idea of what you're looking for.

To choose the best aviaries, you must consider factors like house space, design and bird species if you are to get the best ones that will keep your birds happy, healthy and safe. Stainless steel bird aviaries are a popular choice among breeders because, for one, there is no coating of paint that the birds can chip or chew on so there's no risk of toxic poisoning. It is also easy to clean and it resists the formation of bacteria well because it is non-porous.

However, if we are to be more specific, here are the most popular types of bird aviaries that are available online and off that most breeders and bird lovers consider:

Indoor and Outdoor Aviaries
These are best for people with enough space in their homes and backyards. These cages are usually big enough to accommodate two large birds or several small birds like canaries. Breeders usually choose between the stainless steel and aluminum varieties.

Stacker and Breeder Aviaries
These are for breeders who have limited space and who take care of several bird species. These are usually stacked 3-4 cages high and powder-coated in white or black. These enclosures usually contain feeder boxes, a place to hang a watering device and they have removable pans to make for easier cleaning.

Flight Cages
These are enclosures that are large enough for birds to fly in. Unlike cages, they allow birds more space to spread their wings and get all the exercise they need as they tend to get bored and depressed when they can't fly around as much as they'd like and this often leads to an untimely demise in some cases. They also designed to simulate a bird's natural environment with the addition of plants and shrubs.

Cantilevered Aviaries
These combine the best of both grounded and suspended aviaries. They are usually designed with a conventional ground-based section that is attached to a suspended section which provides birds with extra room for flying and resting. This suspended section also makes it easy to keep the cages hygienic since the droppings fall to the ground and not in the cage.

Aviaries are the best investment bird breeders can make but it is also important to keep in mind several things in order to make sure that the aviaries you purchase are worth your time and money: make sure that they are equipped with proper heating and cooling to keep the birds comfortable, make sure that the wire or mesh is thick enough so the birds can't chew their way out and that they are not made of cedar or redwood which emit dangerous fumes the birds can inhale.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

What Are the Best PARROTS For Beginners? Part 3 of 3

English: African grey parrot pet (Psittacus er...
African grey parrot pet (Psittacus erithacus)
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In part 3 of the "Best Parrots for Beginners" series, we'll focus on behavior and commitment.

I believe the easiest, kindest parrots to live with are the Lilac-Crowned, Double Yellow-Headed, and Yellow-Crowned Amazons, but really apart from the Yellow-Naped Amazon, this family of parrots is the one most adapted to living with humans. They're also less susceptible than other birds to behavioral pathologies. Which doesn't mean you shouldn't take great care of them!

The flip side of African Greys' remarkable intelligence is that they can be quite phobic and apprehensive. Never ever surprise a Grey, as he only feels good when everything around him is safe, that is when he perfectly understands his environment. He will develop a very strong bond with his human or feathered partner but can become very possessive.

The Quaker parrot is territorial and a bit of a control freak when it comes to his cage, where he'll build the most amazing nest. He's a very sensitive bird who doesn't adapt to change very well and can develop anxious behaviors easily.

The last recommendation would be to keep in mind that keeping a parrot as a pet is a huge commitment, "not to be entered into lightly" because these sentient, sensitive beings can have a very, very long lifespan. Smaller birds typically live between 15 to 30 years, mini-Macaws can reach 40 years, Amazon parrots have a 50-year lifespan, and African Greys can live for up to 60 years. But big Macaws have an 80-year lifespan!

This may also influence your decision to buy a hand-raised baby from a breeder or to adopt an adult pet parrot from a former owner or from a parrot rescue organization. While it may be more reasonable to adopt an adult bird if you choose a bigger species given their life expectancy, it's easier to socialize a pet parrot if you have him from an early age, especially if you're a beginner owner.
Remember: falling in love at first sight with a baby parrot you see in a pet shop and buying him straight away is the same as meeting a beautiful stranger in a bar and running off to Vegas to marry him or her the same day...

Also bear in mind that these broad indications do not take into account the luck factor: every bird has his own individual personality and your new African Grey may not be as talkative as Alex the African parrot. Don't be disappointed and give him all your love and affection.

I hope all the things to take into account before going out and buying or adopting your parrot won't scare you, but on the contrary help, you make a well-informed decision. Trust me, even though there is a "parrot owner learning curve", the relationship you will build with your pet bird is well worth the effort!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Rose Breasted COCKATOO

Photo  by GrrlScientist 
Cockatoos are admirably a favorite because of the size. Yes, you can easily have the cockatoo right in your hand. The striking color of the cockatoo is a big factor in its beauty. And there are lots of cockatoo varieties.

Rose-breasted cockatoo is one of the varieties. This variety is native from the dense forest of Australia. With the rose colors right in the feathers, this variety looks like a striking fire in the middle of the day. Plus, it can talk very well - the best feature dearly loved by most bird enthusiasts.

Cockatoos are known to be great, intelligent, amazing and domesticated but the rose-breasted cockatoos are fierce and to the extent, they are almost untameable. Rose-breasted cockatoos are very different from ordinary cockatoos because of its wild habitat and breeding.

Rose-breasted cockatoos do bite and you need to be sure that you are properly protected from the bird's bites. Sometimes, the bird just plucks its wings whenever there are people around. However, rose-breasted cockatoos are unique and are smart birds. You can easily teach the bird the right attitude if you just keep the patience to continue the training. Sooner, your birds will grow smart and just fit the best of your pet.

Growing your Rose Breasted Cockatoo
The cockatiel needs food that you can consider for the best of your bird. However, it is very important to vary the foods. Variation in foods will raise the appetite of your cockatoo allowing them to grow the right way.

As the nature of the bird's fierceness, it is good to consider to give the best patients that you can give. Do not scream or slap the bird when it tries to bite you. You need to make use of the positive reaction to build a positive attitude of your cockatoo.

Monday, November 27, 2017

What Are the Best PARROTS For Beginners? Part 2 of 3

Diego, pet Chestnut-Fronted Macaw (also known ...
Diego, pet Chestnut-Fronted Macaw (also known as Severe Macaw), Los Angeles, California, USA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In part 2 of the "Best Parrots for Beginners" series, we'll focus on size and socialization.

This factor of choice is fairly straightforward, you can select your parrot from:
-XS: parrotlets, parakeets, cockatiels, -S: blue crown conure, caique, senegal, quaker -M: eclectus, severe macaw, African grey, patagonian conure, amazon -L: blue and gold macaw, scarlet macaw -XL: hyacinth and green-winged macaws

For many, having a large bird can be somewhat intimidating, and they'll instinctively turn to tiny parrots that almost look inviting. Several larger parrots are actually friendly companions, but if you don't feel comfortable around them, don't make them your first choice, as that obviously wouldn't be a sound basis for your relationship.

Also, bear in mind that the size of the parrot you select will directly influence the size of his cage... Although I recommend buying the largest cage possible whatever the species, depending on your home you'll have to decide whether you can only accommodate a relatively small plastic parakeet cage or a large stainless steel bird cage for your macaw.

Parrots are gregarious animals who live in groups in the wild and depending on the species you pick, your new pet will require varying degrees of attention. Likewise, some will enjoy some physical contact whereas others will avoid it. Of course, whichever species you select, you'll have to socialize your bird early on to encourage already tolerant ones or improve naturally distrustful others' social skills.

In their native forests, the most sociable birds are the demanding African Grey and the affectionate Macaw. Blue and Gold, Green-Winged and Hyacinth birds, are fairly easy-going and will usually accept every member of the family, including other pets. But keep in mind they also need constant interaction with their avian or human flock. Unlike other birds, contact and petting are welcome by these beautiful giants.

Quaker parrots demand a lot of time attention and can become little tyrants if you don't devote enough time to them. On the plus side, they accept other birds (as long as these don't invade their territory) fairly easily.
At the other end of the spectrum, Eclectus birds aren't very social, even in their natural habitat, and won't be friendly to new birds. They don't appreciate physical contact very much, but it doesn't mean they don't like human company.

If you have children steer clear of known biters, and in that regard, smaller birds can be deceptively reassuring. For instance, I wouldn't recommend the fearless miniature hahns macaw as a pet if you have young children, as this tiny parrot can be quite nippy and have very pointy beaks. Also avoid adopting a Grey, since these parrots don't tolerate children well. Parrot information for kids should primarily focus on understanding parrots and their wild instincts, and on how to approach and handle them to avoid being bitten.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

What Are the Best PARROTS For Beginners? Part 1 of 3

English: Yellow naped Amazon parrot.
Yellow-naped Amazon parrot. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In this three-part article, we will be exploring a few of the most popular species and how to select your new pet bird according to seven essential criteria. There is a lot of information out there that can be quite daunting for the first-time parrot owner, but please don't get lost in details such as the difference between the sun and jenday conures, or the difference in mitered and red-fronted conures. You've got enough on your hands as it is!

Parrots of the South America like the predominantly green Amazon's 27 species have the most recognizable piracy parroty look, the one that comes to most people's minds when they think of the quintessential parrot bird. If you love colors you may consider one of the stunning 16 species of Macaws, ranging from mostly red, green, and blue feathers to combinations like the very popular blue and gold macaw. The little Black Headed Caique can also claim to belong to the colorful family, with his black, yellow, white and green patches. Leaving Central and South America, if you feel too puzzled by the difficulty or even impossibility of telling males from females apart for most species of parrot, why not opt for an Eclectus male, his green body with a little red under the wings and surprising orange beak. Or for a mostly red female and her beautiful blue belly.

What the African Grey parrot lacks in panache, he makes up for in brains. Suffice it to say that the smartest bird ever studied was Alex the parrot, Dr. Pepperberg's famous colleague. But to be fair the African Grey doesn't have a monopoly on parrot smarts since parrots as a whole are no bird brains. A common question is "which is the smartest parakeet?", and to this question I can only answer that they're all amazingly clever for such small birds. Indeed, they can almost rival with the African Grey when it comes to learning tricks or how to talk. Switching to giants, Macaws are usually very good at learning tricks and mimicking or dare I say parroting, their human companion's actions. The Green-Winged and gorgeous Scarlet Macaws are particularly smart, but I wouldn't pick the latter as my first pet bird since he's quite defensive and can be nippy or even bite. The Yellow-Naped Amazon is also very intelligent, but can be moody and have an excessive behavior.

Vocal Talent
I suspect many beginners are drawn to parrots in part because of their amazing talking abilities (I know I was!), while others may prefer a quiet companion. If you belong to the latter category of prospective owners, I'm afraid you won't find an absolutely quiet parrot, since most of them are noisy, albeit in varying degrees. While choosing your new friend according to his species' vocal reputation is a sensible thing to do, remember that it will only increase or decrease the probability your pet parrot will talk, not guarantee it.

Let's start with talkers. The most famous talkative parrots are African Greys and Parakeets. Interestingly, it's easier for male Parakeets to talk and imitate a human voice than it is for females, although the latter can speak but are simply more reluctant to start up a conversation. The Double Yellow-Headed Amazon and the Yellow-Crowned Amazons are excellent speakers and singers! They're also much easier to live with than their yellow-naped cousin. Quaker parrots are also very good talkers but can be a bit loud. As to bigger birds, the Blue and Gold, Military and Severe Macaws are good talkers, but be aware that for them vocalizing a lot is a normal way of communicating. So if you have neighbors and paper-thin walls...

On the other hand for those who'd rather not have a chatty friend the quietest species of parrot birds is probably the independent Eclectus.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

BLACK-HEADED CAIQUE - Pionites melanocephalus

Black-headed Caique

Friday, November 24, 2017

How to Attract the PAINTED BUNTING

Painted Bunting
This article will give you all there is know about how to attract the most beautiful feathered friends in North America into your own garden, which is a difficult feat as they usually stay hidden most of the time.

Painted Bunting (Photo credit: Dan Pancamo)

Getting to Know Your Bird.The Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris) is a species of bird belonging to the Cardinal (Cardinalidae) family. It is so named because of its beautiful and brightly colored hues of dark blue head, green back, as well as red rump and underparts.

Boons of Attracting Birds.Because of their seemingly painted colors, they were once highly captured and caged such that they are shy and secretive. Even when they sing they remain in hiding and can be very difficult to spot because of their shy nature as well as their ability to camouflage the surroundings especially the females and juveniles. Being able to attract them into your yard and garden gives you the chance of witnessing these feathered beauties for yourself.

Laws of Attraction for the Painted Bunting.
To get the chance of having the Painted Bunting graze your garden or yard, you can use the following tips as a guide:

1) Make your environment welcome the birds. Landscape your gardens in such a way that will be suitable as a mating and nesting ground for the Painted Bunting and other bird species. Place several plant species of trees and bushes, which will give the birds a feel of their natural habitat of woodland and brushy, insuburban, and garden areas. You can ask from your local field guide for plants which are endemic in your area. It would also do you some good to research on specific plants which the Painted Bunting prefer and naturally thrive in. It is also important to keep any cause of disturbance away. For instance, if you have kids, make sure to situate their playground as far possible from your landscaped area. In addition, have nesting areas for the birds distanced as far from the trees and bushes to prevent attack from predators. Nesting areas need also to contain adequate ventilation and, again, a mechanism to protect from predators.

2) Provide for their needs. Just like any animal, offering the Painted Bunting with unlimited supply of food and water, most especially, will keep them within the confines of your yard. Because the birds are largely seed eaters, you can have a variety of seeds and add syrup and suet to the mix. To efficiently contain the food items, you can get any of the bird feeders which afford them with much privacy as possible when eating. You also need to provide a water source, and bird baths can help you do this. For both food and water, it is integral to keep them fresh to ensure consumption of the birds, thus, remaining in your area.

If you successfully achieve the feat of attracting the Painted Bunting in your garden and make them stay a long time to witness their mating and nesting habits, you can expect them to return in the succeeding months and years as they have found a niche in your garden or yard.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

PEACH LOVEBIRD - Interesting Facts About This LOVEBIRD

Peach-faced Lovebird in Namibia, Africa. Agapo...
Peach-faced Lovebird in Namibia, Africa. Agapornis roseicollis (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Peach-faced Lovebird also called the Rosy-faced Lovebird. It's local to dry regions of Africa. Peach-faced Lovebird populations have reduced in some areas by trapping for the pet trade. One of the most well-liked, loving, and freely available species of Lovebird. They are definitely a loud and steady chirper.

Peach-faced Lovebird color can widely alter among populations but the hens are darker and greener, but the cocks are smaller and brighter in color. They're known to shred objects into strips and put it on their backs and fly back home to build their nest.

Peach-faced Lovebirds has a varied, loud and screeching call. Their face and throat are pinkish, darkest on the forehead and above the eye. The bill is greenish-yellow, and their eyes are brown and the legs and feet are gray. Younger Lovebirds have a paler color. They like to prosper in dry areas, but are reliant on the presence of water sources and gathers around pools to drink.

These Peach-faced Lovebirds often become a pest in rural areas, eating the crops. When there's a lot of food, they gather in flocks containing lots of birds. Their diet consists basically of seeds and berries. Finding the proper pair of these birds are tough, for their sex is difficult to establish. Peach-faced Lovebird has the widest range of color mutations of all of the Lovebirds species. There are 4 varieties in aviculture: the Wild-type, Lutino, Pied Wild Green, Orange faced, Cinnamon, Creamino, and AquaTurquoise. As well as many of those mutations can be mixed to provide even more colors called the mixed mutations.

Being an active bird, this Peach-faced Lovebird when kept indoors or housed in a cage, should be supplied with enough room and a clean environment. The larger the cage, the better. It also will be great to put perches in their cage, for them to exercise and prevent health issues like arthritis.
Toys are a must when keeping a Lovebird, it'll preclude isolation and boredom, just avoid little parts that they may swallow. Two Lovebirds may not engage with a human owner as much as if they were by themselves. They could also not get along with another lovebird, and you may need to put them in a separate cage.

The perils and toxins of these Peach-faced Lovebirds are the blue-green algae, avocados, chocolate, alcohol, dog and cat spit, changeable organic compounds, household cleaners, and detergents.
If trained correctly, Peach-faced Lovebirds happily perch on a human's shoulder. They're awfully playful and like to have all of the attention centered on them. Peach-faced Lovebirds need a spread of foods, including veggies, seeds, and fruits, and other human foods that are tasty and healthy.

They can be kept singly, but that needs a large amount of attention. Often they're kept as a pair to satisfy their need of an unswerving companion, mutual preening, and socialization. In a few cases, tiny small squeaky words have been heard coming from a Peach-faced Lovebird. But this isn't standard, and an individual should not expect a speech from their own Peach-faced Lovebird.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

4 Reasons Why You Should Adopt Your Next PARROT

English: Cuban Parrot (Amazona leucocephala) i...
Cuban Parrot (Amazona leucocephala) in Cuba (2007). Pet parrots.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Most folks have the misgiven understanding that adopting a parrot means trouble. The general consensus is that if a parrot is up for adoption in the first place, it must be problematic. Naturally, like in every species of animals (including us humans), there are problematic parrots. However, it would be immensely naive to think that this is the primary reason people abandon parrots.

FACT #1 - Parrots have a very long life span.
In fact, some would argue that they're on the verge of discovering the secret to immortality. The small ones live for up to 20-30 years. Larger ones can go on to a ripe old age of 60-90 years. Just imagine: If the scheming investment bankers of Merril Lynch knew this, they'd probably convince the birds to buy a dozen retirement homes.

My point is because of their lifespan, they tend to outlive their owners. As a result, many parrots at the rescue centers are only there because their previous owners are no longer in this world. Not because they're particularly ferocious.

FACT #2 - It's not the parrots fault.
I think it's safe to say that humans are the primary cause for most of the bird's problems. Here's why. Mr. New Fish suddenly decides he likes parrots. He thinks that they're gorgeous because of their amazing blend of colors. Also, he reckons that within a few days, he'll have his parrot on his shoulder, squawking instructions to imaginary pirates in his living room.

So he buys one, purely on impulse. He does little to no research beforehand, and just dives in head first. So what happens? The parrot takes one look at Mr. New Fish and realizes that he's nothing but a nutcase. The problem is, the parrot can't actually tell Mr. New Fish this, because well... most parrots don't speak English all that well now do they? Although that's debatable, considering the insults certain parrots have hurled in my general direction.

The parrot makes a mess, because it doesn't know better. The parrot sometimes shows signs of aggression because Mr. New Fish thinks that it's OK to poke it all over. What's next? Mr. New Fish, thinking his parrot is the one with the issues, ignores it. He gives it no attention, no affection and puts no effort in caring for it. Next thing you know, the parrot, along with the cage, is chucked in the deepest, darkest corner of the garage.

So yes, the parrot will naturally go rather bonkers after this ordeal. But is it really at fault? Eventually, the parrot is rescued by a center.

FACT #3 - Living arrangements change
When people get married, have babies, or just have a new set of priorities in life, often times companion animals end up forced into the backseat. This has been the case with numerous parrots. Hence, they end up getting sent to a rescue center.

FACT #4 - Some people are profit motivated.
Pet stores and breeders have realized that parrots are flat out popular. So what do many of them do? They breed them like there's no tomorrow. They sell them without matching up the right people to their bird. The end result? Too many parrots for potential owners to handle, especially in certain countries like the United States. So the parrots get treated like commodities, and a large number of these parrots end up in shelters.

A disturbingly sad ordeal isn't it? I know.
Now, don't get me wrong. There are many terrific breeders and even pet stores that I can freely recommend with a good conscience. But just like everything, there's plenty of not-so-great groups as well.

Naturally, the best way to minimize this problem is to educate potential owners. All they really have to do is read extensively on parrot care, and do their part to spread the word (in fact, you might want to let people you know read this article). However, today I'm going to focus on what you can do to help right now. If you are looking into buying a parrot, you should seriously consider taking part in the parrot rehoming process.

Here's a fact for you. Because of the explosive parrot breeding, rescue centers are flooded. A large number are filled to the brim, and even more are overflowing. Unfortunately, this results in a very nasty irony. Rescue centers can no longer give the parrots the necessary attention and care. They just can't. They are cash strapped organizations that are stretching their resources to the breaking point. As such, some rescue homes are no longer able to serve their purpose. Naturally, they're becoming just another vortex for these unlucky birds.

If you're really interested in owning a parrot, let me take this opportunity of sharing a few perks of adopting one.

Buying a large parrot (African Greys, Amazons, Cockatoos) from a pet store in the United States can cost anywhere between $3000 and $5000. Macaws are known to cost even more than this. It's a lot of hard earned cash isn't it? Guess what? Adopting a large parrot, like a Grey, would probably amount to no more than a few hundred dollars.

The common misunderstanding is that parrots will only bond with you if you're the one who has been taking care of it since its adolescence. This is flat out wrong. In the wild (and your parrot is no different from a wild one), parrots may bond with several different partners in their lifetime, well into their maturity. Most parrots that are up for adoption are already somewhat mature. And if you take up a mature bird that came from a relatively good family, the main issue you're going to have is helping the parrot get used to you. Because when a parrot gets attached to someone, they mean it.

Naturally, adopting a bird would be a huge help to the rescue organizations. They are in desperate need of help from people like you. And if you're able to provide a good home for a parrot, they'll be eternally thankful.

Rescue centers are fundamentally sanctuaries. Many are equipped with the means to rehabilitate birds. And on top of this, they're not profit motivated. You're less likely to be scammed by a rescue home as opposed to a pet store.

Naturally, the story has a flipside as well.
1) Some parrots are bound to have been overly neglected or even abused. As such, they may already be undergoing a great deal of mental trauma. And it can be quite scary. These parrots have an extra aggressive nature. They usually don't hesitate to bite the hand that feeds. Some even go on self-mutilating rampages. And if you're lucky, you'll see one that does nothing but scream it's lungs out. Don't forget though: Adoption is fantastic, but it's not an obligation. You don't have to adopt a bird that is in an extreme condition already. Go for one that would be easier to work with.
However, if you have some parrot keeping experience under your belt, taking on a parrot with existing behavior problems and guiding him to become a friendly, social bird is immensely rewarding to both you and your bird. These birds were often the most abused and deserve a life where they are cared for and thrive.
2) Parrots are sociable animals. That said don't be surprised if they come with their own package of trust issues. You may get a little flustered if the parrot you adopt simply refuses to acknowledge your existence. However, don't forget: Just like people, parrots value trust a lot. They need you to give them a reason to trust you. But once you do, the bond may as well be forged by a goldsmith.
When all is said and done, parrots are truly remarkable creatures. They're very intelligent and you can easily learn a lot about yourself around them. If you're keen on getting one for yourself, seriously consider adopting one. However, just with every important purchase, remember to do your share of research. This way, you will save both yourself, and your parrot a wealth of trouble.
Live with Passion, Purpose and Parrots,

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Advantages Of BIRD NETTING

English: Bird netting on top of grapevines out...
Bird netting on top of grapevines outside Kumeu, near Auckland, New Zealand. Most of the sides have been lifted up for harvesting. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Birds are one of the top problems of the agricultural production in the country. Not only do birds interrupt crops, they can also ruin your garden, the school’s playground, the parking lot in your work, and many more locations where birds exist. 

There are many products that could help you with your problem. There are a number of pesticides and other machinery that could be used to prevent pest birds. But there are also many good birds that do not cause damage, and may even help to pollinate your crops and garden or control smaller pests such as bugs. What, therefore, is the safest way to control the population of problem birds without interfering with the populations of the good birds? Bird netting is your answer. 

Bird netting has many advantages, such as - 

1. Health Issues

There have been studies that birds could give illnesses when droppings get in contact with people’s skin. Pigeons, for example, carry infectious diseases. These pigeons could give people tuberculosis, flu, paratyphoid, Lyme-disease, Toxoplasmosis, and Encephalitis. By making sure that these pigeons do not spread their diseases, bird netting could put an end to your health worrying. 

2. Protecting Plantation

Most birds tend to peck on your fruits, vegetables, and plants because they know that these are food. Do not underestimate the birds. Protect your plantation with bird netting, so your plants are fenced safely away from their prying beaks. 

3. Save The Birds

The best advantage bird netting has is it is environmentally friendly. By making use of bird netting to protect your property, you are not killing the birds. You are simply covering up the location with a net for the birds to stay away. Unlike other methods of pest control, bird netting does not harm the birds. Pesticides and aroma repellants terminate the birds permanently. Plus, there are laws regarding the harming of birds like robins and blackbirds. Using bird netting, you are abiding the law!

4. Bird netting is versatile

- Large spaces such as buildings parks, and plantations
- Small spaces like backyard or a rose garden
- Agricultural farms and plants
- Impressive variety of bird netting products
- A single bird net can be used for as long as ten years
- Variety of colors
- Variety of materials available (usually polyethylene strings or steel, to withstand extreme weather conditions)
- Prices of bird netting range from $150 to $8000 dollars

Bird netting is the smartest and most affordable way to repel birds in your area. One final note - be aware that an absence of birds may cause your garden to be a safe haven for bugs and other smaller pests that would otherwise have been controlled had the birds have access to the area. Bird netting does not 100% guarantee the livelihood of your protected area.

Monday, November 20, 2017

PAINTED BUNTING - Passerina Ciris

Painted Bunting - Passerina ciris