Sunday, January 7, 2018

FOODS that you can Feed your PARROT

Parrot food I .......DSCF4310a
Photo  by SantaRosa OLD SKOOL 
When children hear about parrots, the first thing that comes to mind is that this bird is usually on the shoulder of a pirate and it can talk.

Though this creature has a habit of wanting and eating a cracker, studies have shown that this magnificent and colorful animal needs more than that in order to maintain a healthy diet.

By following these simple tips, the person can find other things, which are also essential to the parrot’s diet.

1. Parrots should have also had some vegetables, cooked meats and grains just like humans. This is because these creatures need the same nutrients that people get from eating such produce.

2. A healthy diet also means giving the parrot the right portions of each meal. If the owner gives too much, this should be reduced. This will take some time to get it right so the individual should just monitor the volume each time this is given to the animal.

3. Parrots get sick very easily. If there is excess food on the plate, this should be removed because this becomes the breeding ground for bacteria and molds.

4. Aside from food, the parrot must also be given a fresh supply of water daily. This will avoid making the bird dehydrated, which can also cause it to get sick.

5. Many people see pet owners giving seeds and nuts frequently to the parrot. Studies have shown this should be done sparingly because it does not provide that many nutrients, which are needed for the bird’s diet.

6. Though parrots may eat almost anything that humans eat, these following should never be given. These are chocolates, avocados, caffeine, alcohol, kidney and lima beans.

7. Parrots should be fed twice daily and enjoy it if the food is mixed with water in the bowl.  It is advisable for the pet owner to wash the dish first before and after each meal to make sure it is free from bacteria and other germs that could endanger the life of the bird.

These are just a few tips for feeding the parrot. The owner can read up more by buying a book or doing some research on the Internet.

Before buying any food for the parrot, it will also be a good idea to seek the advice of a veterinarian. This specialist can check on the bird and recommend the proper items to be bought from the pet store.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Birds - EGG LAYING Can Kill Your Pet

American Parakeet Babies and Eggs
Photo  by PuppiesAreProzac 
Birds lay eggs; that's what they do. But did you know that this could be deadly for your pet?

My beloved bird is a cockatiel. She's a beautiful bird and a great companion. About twice a year she gets in a mood to respond to her God-given natural activity of egg laying. The first time she ever did this it was really cute.

The problem was, the egg wasn't fertilized, so it wouldn't hatch. So after a while of the egg not hatching, she determined the trick was to lay another egg, only to get the same results. This led to more eggs until she had six or seven eggs she was watching over.

When I first got her I did some research on the Internet about cockatiels and bird care. So when this egg-laying event was happening, I remembered reading something about it depleting them of calcium. I went back and read more about it. Sure enough, laying eggs depletes them of calcium and that is deadly to them.

I decided I had to take away her eggs. I didn't want to lose her over this. So, away they went. I made sure she watched me do it so she would know it's dangerous to lay eggs in her cage. They won't lay them if they are not comfortable with the nesting area.

That didn't stop her. She started again and I took them away again. After a few rounds of this, I decided to pull the bedding out of the cage, thinking it would make it less 'homey' for her and she would knock off the egg laying. It did stop for the season, but a season later she got the call to lay again and we resumed the battle.

As the days and weeks went by, she insisted she was going to lay the eggs and I insisted she wasn't. But, she was winning, in spite of my removing them. Then it happened...

One day I walked by her cage and there she was, in the bottom of her cage, still and silent and her limbs and head were twisted into a nearly grotesque position and I couldn't tell if she was even still alive. I was devastated; even to the point of not being able to react.

The evidence seemed clear that I would lose her. This was not a goldfish, but a friend. We talked and played every day. We ate and went to sleep at the same time. She sat on my shoulder and cheered me on as I worked on my computer. There would be no replacement bird; no more than you can replace your child.

I couldn't think right so I had to call on a friend. As we raced down the highway towards the veterinarian, I kept talking to my bird hoping to keep her awake and maybe get that little 'peep' to tell me she was going to be okay.

We rushed her to the emergency room and the vet rushed her behind those swinging doors. Had I seen the last of my bird?

They came out and asked me to step back into another room, where I waited to hear the news. I was waiting for the 'bird nurse' to come out and break it to me when the door opened and I only saw her back. She walked back through the door and as she cleared the door she turned around to reveal the white cage I had brought my pet bird in.

Inside that cage was a vibrant, confused and curious cockatiel who saw me and let out a loud chirp as if to ask, "What's up?" My bird was going to make it and doing just fine!

She had gone into a seizure because of calcium deficiency from laying the eggs. They gave her a shot of calcium to revive her. They also gave her a shot that was supposed to keep her from laying eggs. They said it might need to be done every month.

Sure enough, several weeks went by and she was back in the egg laying business. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't keep taking her to the veterinarian every month for expensive shots, but I couldn't go through that again.

I sat looking at her cage one day thinking about how I could make it less desirable for her to lay eggs. Finally, the light bulb went off.

I jumped up, went to the pet store and bought her a cage big enough for a parrot (remember, she's only a cockatiel). The reason I wanted this was that of the big grates on the bottom of the cage. She can still walk around the bottom of the cage, but she cannot nest an egg there because it falls through the grate.

Oh, she tried. She tried one time. She laid that egg and stared at it for days as it lay underneath that grate and she couldn't get to it. That was the last egg she ever laid. She doesn't need the shot either. She's in fine health and we're enjoying each other more than ever.
Isn't that grate (uh, great)?

Friday, January 5, 2018

A History of FALCONRY

Medieval people engaging in falconry from hors...
Medieval people engaging in falconry on horseback. The horses appear to have the body type of palfreys or jennets. from the Codex Manesse. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Falconry is training birds of prey to hunt game. Falconry is also known as hawking, despite the fact that in falconry today buzzards are usually used.

It is thought that falconry was established in the Middle East by 2000 BC although the earliest evidence of falconry has only been found from about 700 BC.

There are references to Caesar using falcons to kill pigeons so we know that the Romans practiced falconry and it was most likely introduced to Europe in about 400 AD.

Falconry is known as the sport of kings and many Kings of England have proclaimed it their favorite sport including Alfred the Great and George III.

Much has been written about King John and crane hawking. He used to bring hunting parties to fly falcons at herons which were ringed prior to being released back into the wild. Information about these herons can be found in the Domesday Book.

During the Middle Ages laborers would also participate in falconry, usually illegally and King John banned people from taking a game from the Royal Forests in order to improve the game caught by his own hunting parties.

He made a law that a hundred peasants should be fed with the catch from every Royal hunt but the law would still have caused much suffering.

A custom in the Middle Ages known as the Laws of Ownership meant that birds of prey were all assigned a rank and nobody could hunt with a bird that had a higher rank than him. The original Laws of Ownership was written in the Book Of St Albans in the 15th century.

Nowadays anyone can practice falconry in the UK and no license is required although only captive-bred birds can be used. Despite pressure to have falconry banned it has been allowed to carry on albeit with a number of conditions attached to it. Birds must be ringed and government registered and DNA tested to certify their origins and wild birds may not be used for falconry

    By Anna Price
    If you would like to learn more about falconry then you may be interested in birds of prey day where you can try out the sport.
    This article was written by the author of British Bird Lovers.
    The author is a keen gardener and amateur bird watcher.
    Article Source: EzineArticles

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Types of HAWKS

English: Silhouettes of birds of prey (includi...
Silhouettes of birds of prey (including vultures here)
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Most people can tell a bird of prey when they see one in flight or at rest. Many don't know or cannot tell the types of raptors from each other. This article will allow you to recognize, or at least know about the major groups of raptors in the United States.

First, let's discuss the major groups of raptors, then we'll get into the major groups of hawks. Raptors are birds that prey on other animals, be they other birds, small animals or large insects. Generally, this does not include birds that prey on small insects. Eagles are one class of raptors. There are two common species of eagles in the US, the Bald Eagle, and the Golden Eagle. The adults are easy to tell apart as the Bald Eagle has the black body and white head and tail, and the Golden Eagle is dark brown all over with the less noticeable golden hackles of the back of the neck from which it gets its name. Both are very large birds that soar high in the air much of the time.

Falcons are narrow-winged fast flying birds of prey. Then mostly feed on other birds, and tend to have fast direct flight, except in the smallest US falcon the American Kestrel which tends to have a weaker more buoyant flight. The Falcons we see are the massive bulky Gyrfalcon, the Peregrine Falcon, the Prairie Falcon, the Merlin and the American Kestrel, listed from largest to smallest. Buteos are what most of us think of as the classic hawk. They are broad-winged, relatively short-tailed birds that usually inhabit open areas, though some of the smaller may be forest birds. They soar on broad wings and hunt by dropping from flight or a perch onto prey.

Accipiters are a group of three species of hawks that primarily hunt other birds and take their prey by direct attack. Some use surprise, others just agility, strength and speed. They all have long tails, broad wings, and strong flight. The three species are the large Goshawk, the medium-sized Cooper's Hawk, and the smaller Sharp-shinned Hawk.

In almost all birds of prey, the females are larger than the males. This is presumably to allow them to better conserve heat and incubate eggs, while the smaller males are more efficient hunters and support the female and the young on the nest. See the Cornell University Ornithology web site for photos and more information.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Peregrine Falcon, (Red-capped Falcon) Falco pe...
Peregrine Falcon, (Red-capped Falcon) Falco peregrinus babylonicus Sclater (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The peregrine falcon is the best-known falcon and most widespread in the world. However, if you travel to North Dakota, you won't see many and you will not find any at all in Antarctica.

This falcon was on the endangered species list back in 1970 because of a problem with eggshell thinning that was caused mainly by use of the pesticide DDT during the 1950s and 60s. It took biologists 20 years to figure out that the pesticide used to protect plants from insects was the problem affecting these birds and other animals. Small animals ate the plants contaminated with the pesticide, and when the peregrine falcon hunted those animals, the infected flesh poisoned them. The chemical even changed the behavior of peregrine falcons in that it made them stop caring for their young.

The federal government banned the use of DDT in the United States; however, the recovery process took a while because the chemical residue remained in the environment. Other countries which are home to peregrine falcons still use DDT, and that, along with trapping and shooting by poachers, still cause the bird's population to decrease. Today the endangered list still includes the peregrine falcon, and they are gradually increasing in population.

The peregrine falcon is not a very large bird; it is about the size of a crow. It is identifiable by its dark blue to slate-colored back and its white throat. It also has a black teardrop right under its eye and small black sideburns.

Peregrine falcons hunt at dawn and dusk; they will prey on ducks, pigeons, other birds and small mammals. They search for their prey from the air, and when they spot something to eat, they attack, making a sharp loud territorial call. They will swoop down at an incredible speed, up to 200 miles per hour, which makes this the fastest creature on earth. When they target their prey falcons use their talons to strike a severe blow to the creature to eat on the spot or to carry away to their eyrie.

Peregrine falcons are normally cliff dwellers which build their nests far out of reach of people. However, you can find some in cities on top of high buildings. Researchers who study these birds help them with city nesting; they supply certain buildings with leaves and other materials which the Falcons can use.

The peregrine falcon can be found all over the world. Just look out for a bird the size of a crow with dark sideburns, yellow legs and pointed wings when in flight. Hunting permitted with a camera only.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


English: Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)...
Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) on a bird show on the castle Augustusburg, Germany (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The American Bald Eagle was unofficially chosen as a National Symbol in 1872 when the Constitution of the United States was ratified.  It was not officially nominated as such until 1788.  There was a heated debate, led by the great statesman Benjamin Franklin, about this bird becoming the National Bird.  Mr. Franklin wanted the turkey which he thought better symbolized the clean, honest, and more straightforward ideals of the American people.  His bid was lost, however, in 1789 when George Washington became the first President of the USA, and the Bald Eagle was officially adopted as the "First Bird". 

The American Bald Eagle is the only eagle which is native to North America and it's only on its native continent that one may find it.  Alaska, the 49th State admitted to the Union, is home to about 35,000 of the 70,000 total population.  British Columbia boasts about 20,000, and the rest predominantly inhabit the Pacific coastline, with a few scattered throughout the rest of the United States.  The population is heaviest in the Pacific Northwest due, in part, to a large amount of salmon found there.  Eagles depend greatly on fish as the main part of their diets.  They will eat small animals such as mice, rabbits, muskrats, duck and snakes and they will resort to eating carrion (dead animals), if necessary.  However, they prefer that their food is a fresh source and they are partial to fish.  

While Bald Eagles are capable of carrying their food in flight, they can actually only lift about half of their body weight.  Although they can dive, catch fish in the water, and swim to shore with them, they have also been known to drown if the fish is too big and they don't let go of it.  

The body length, for both males and females, ranges between 29 and 42 inches (73.66 to 106.68 centimeters).  The male is usually between 7 and 9 pounds (.497 to .639 stone) and has a wingspan which can exceed 6 feet (1.83 meters).  The female is larger and can weigh up to 14 pounds (.99 stone).  She can have a wingspan of up to 8 feet (2.44 meters).  

In level flight, the Bald Eagle has been recorded at speeds up to 44 miles per hour (70.1 km/h).  It can dive (and has been clocked) at speeds of 75 to 100 mph (120.68 to 160.39 km/h).  The eagle is capable of riding the thermal air currents in excess of 10000 feet (3048 meters) and can stay aloft doing this for hours at a time.  

This species of bird mates for life, and will only seek another mate if their "spouse" dies.  They build an "eyrie (also spelled aerie)" in which they incubate their eggs and raise their eaglets until those leave the nest at 12 weeks.  An eyrie, or nest, can be built in the tops of giant trees (quite often aspens) or on a ledge of a mountain.  The eagles habitually add to their nests until they reach up to 10 feet (2.54 meters) in diameter.  The eyries are lined with soft materials such as leaves, feathers, and moss to provide a suitable area for incubating the eggs once the female lays them.   

The eggs are usually laid at the end of April, following a fascinating "courtship dance" in early April, which the Eagles perform in midair.  They dive and climb, and look to be attacking (locking talons, or claws with) each other during this flight sequence.  

After the eggs are laid, the male and the female take turns in hunting, incubating the eggs (34 to 35 days, usually hatching in late May or early June), monitoring the nest, and brooding/feeding the eaglets until they are large enough to fly and leave the nest.  This occurs when the eaglets are about 12 weeks old.  They develop special flight feathers, which make them look larger than their parents, that serve as extra balance (sort of like training wheels on a bicycle) while they learn to fly.  

Hatchlings are light grey when born and turn dark brown before leaving the nest.  Young adults have brown and white mottled feathers beneath their wings until they reach 5 years of age.  At 5 years, the head and tail feathers turn white.  The mature bird is not actually bald.  "Bald", at one time, meant "white".  Thus the name, "bald eagle". Between the fourth and fifth years, the beak and eyes take on the distinctive yellow color.  To see a mature Bald Eagle up close is awe-inspiring.  To see one in flight is an experience to cherish for a lifetime.  

Preservation Efforts 

In spite of the "National Symbols Act" and the "Bald and Gold Eagle Preservation Act," which were both passed in 1940, the Bald Eagle population declined rapidly because farmers killed them for fear of the harm that they could do to their livestock.  Hunters and poachers killed them as trophies and for profit, and many were killed accidentally.  This seriously alarmed preservationist.  Therefore the American Bald Eagle has officially declared an "Endangered Species" in 1947, under a law which preceded the "Endangered Species Act" of 1973.  Until 1995, they were listed as endangered in 43 of the 48 contiguous United States.  Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Oregon, and Washington State listed them as "threatened". In 1995, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) upgraded their status to threatened in the other 43 states.  

In February of 2006, an announcement was made that the USFWS had issued guidelines on how the species should be protected by landowners and others, once the bird is no longer listed as a threatened species.  Those guidelines include proposals for laws which prohibit disrupting the bird's breeding, sheltering, or feeding practices or disturbing it in any manner which could cause injury, death, or nest abandonment.  Should those proposals be solidified and approved, it could lead to the removal of the Bald Eagle from the "threatened" list.  

It should be noted that even if the new guidelines are approved, the American Bald Eagle is still protected under the "Migratory Bird Treaty Act", the "Bald and Gold Eagle Preservation Act", and the "National Symbols Act".  It is illegal to possess, take, barter, trade, sell, transport, import, or export eagles.  And it is illegal to collect eagles or their body parts, nests, or eggs without a special permit.  Possession of a feather, or other body parts, is a felony which can carry a fine up to $10,000 USD and/or imprisonment and this is very strictly enforced.  However, federally recognized Native Americans are still permitted to possess those emblems which are traditional to their culture.  

One can learn more about these magnificent, beautiful, and majestic birds and how to help with the continuing preservation efforts by visiting the many websites devoted to them.

Monday, January 1, 2018


Wood Duck public domain from USFWS
Wood Duck public domain from USFWS (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The wood duck offers many beautiful colors on its body for people to enjoy. It is commonly referred to as the Carolina duck as well but they are the same species. Some people mistake full grown wood ducks for younger ones though because they don’t grow to be as large as many other types of ducks you will see. You will find the males have more colors than the females even though both of them are extremely attractive. The easiest way to tell them apart is to look at the eyes. Females have a white ring around them while males are just red in color.

Wood ducks are found in many areas of the United States, especially along the west coast due to the very warm weather. They are also found throughout Mexico. They tend to stick around marshes, ponds, and lakes. They aren’t as receptive to people being around them as many other types of ducks are though. They tend to be very set on sticking to only interacting with their group.

They lay about 9-14 eggs at a time but many of them end up in the water due to them placing them so close to the shore. Many people take these eggs belonging to wood ducks too as they walk along the edges of the body of water. It is an instinct that allows the wood ducks to lay the eggs in this area so that their young can immediately enter the water. To help protect them though they often select murky bodies of water to place their eggs into.

Some wood ducks migrate but many of them stay where they are at all year long. This is because they tend to live in climates where it does stay a good temperature for them all year long. However, we have all realized shifts in weather patterns in the past decade. As a result of this more, wood ducks are migrating annually than ever before.

They have very skinny yet strong legs so they can walk rapidly and also take off into flight very quickly. They survive off of plants and berries that they find around them. They also like to eat bird seed so you may get some wood ducks in your area as they are migrating for the winter months.

Sunday, December 31, 2017


English: Species: African Grey Parrot (Psittac...
Species: African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus). Subspecies: Congo African Grey Parrot, (Psittacus erithacus erithacus). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
African Grey parrots have been popular pets since the time of King Henry VIII of England. Because of its ability to speak, more and more affluent families adopted the possession of this parrot.

Today, countless of African Grey parrots are being hand-reared by various breeders for because they are amazing and loving companions not to mention one of the in-demand species in different pet trades for possessing high intelligence.

Despite its superb characteristics, African Grey parrots are not suitable for all environments—especially those with children—because they can be strong, they can bite using their pointed beak, and they can scratch with their daunting claws.

If you are planning to buy an African Grey parrot or planning to have one, it is a must that you know almost everything about this specific type of parrot so you would know what to expect.

African Grey Parrot Basics

Considered as the best mimics of all parrots, African Grey parrots are known for causing people to place a lot of expectation on their eventual performance because of their phenomenal gift of speech, for their problem solving and reasoning skills and their ability to understand the human language.

Although they are considered as one of the superior types of parrots there are, African Greys are the most neurotic, temperamental, nippy, and one of the shyest parrot species.

Usually, African Grey Parrots are medium-sized parrots native to Africa. Primarily grey with accents of white area around the eye, African Greys are also famous for their red or maroon tail.

Basically, there are two subspecies of African Greys: the Congo—which are about 12 inches to 30cm long, with light grey feathers, deep red tails and black beaks—and the Timneh race—which is smaller, has a darker charcoal gray color, a darker maroon tail, with a horn colored beak. Today, there is also known a third and fourth sub specie—the Ghana African Grey that is similar to the Congo African grey but darker and smaller and the Cameroon African Grey or the “big silvers.”

Determining the sex of an African Grey parrot will sorely depend on their physical traits: males are generally bigger in size, round eyes, have a flatter and broader head while females have a long and slender neck, small rounded head and elliptical eyes.

These relatively quiet parrots have an average lifespan of 50 to 65 years and are known to feed primarily on nuts and fruits, usually supplemented by vegetables. These birds are known for having a tendency to pluck their feathers if they get bored and tend to bond to only one person if they are not used to interacting with different people on a regular basis.

Like any pet parrot, African Grey parrots require a large commitment and dedication. If you’re planning to buy one, African Grey parrot prices range from $ 750 to $1000 in the market today.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

The Telling Features of the QUAKER PARROT

Quaker Parrot stopped on the sidewalk
Photo by Fifth World Art (CC)

Have you ever had much to do with a Quaker parrot? They are an engaging parrot and love being around lots of people. Traditionally Quaker parrots are bright green on top with a white to grey face and chest feathers. They are about mid-range in size, growing in length to about 12 inches.

A Great Talking Bird.

The Quaker parrot may be the answer for you if you are looking for a talking bird. It learns quite easily and the parrot does bond well with its owner. In fact, he loves to be involved with people on a regular basis. When teaching a parrot to talk it is best if the teaching is done by just one member of the family but I am sure you will find the bird making sounds or words that other members of the family use as well.

Family Parrot.

One feature of the Quaker parrot is that it is gentle and very affectionate which makes it a wonderful pet for a younger member of the family. This is not true of some of the larger parrots like macaws and cockatoos that can be quite aggressive when upset.

Colors of the Quaker Parrot.

As mentioned they tend to be known as the green and white parrot, but over the years there has been a lot of breeding in captivity so more color combinations are appearing and with different shadings so you could be forgiven for being confused about their colorings.

Play Toys.

The Quaker parrot is an active parrot and when there are no family members around he will like to keep amused with toys. Something like a climbing gym with bells and mirrors will keep him happy for hours. There are lots of toys on the market, but just make sure they are safe before giving them to the bird.

Keeping a Quaker parrot.

You can see why these parrots would be so popular as a family pet and there is one other feature that also makes them so sought after. They can adapt very well to different climatic conditions which are a bonus as most parrots only like the warmer weather. This is a very big plus for a pet parrot, but unfortunately, it does come with its drawbacks.

In some states in the US, it is actually illegal to keep the Quaker parrot as a pet. Due to the fact that it can adapt so well, feral Quaker parrots have caused major problems in the agricultural industry and some states have ruled them illegal. In fact, if this parrot is found in these states, it will be euthanized. So if you are considering having one of these parrots as a pet, do check out the local laws before purchasing. The problem does tend to exist more in the southern states.

Interestingly enough the Quaker parrot is also known by other names because of its color. You may have heard him called the ‘Green’ parrot or the ‘Monk’ parrot.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Picking a LOVEBIRD - Selecting Your Perfect Bird

beso 01, lovebirds, agapornis roseicollis, Feathery Friday
Lovebirds - Photo by ferran pestaña 
There are so many Lovebirds you can select from. There are actually nine species you can consider selecting as a pet Lovebird. Eight of this species are natives of the African continent. These are the Peach-faced Lovebird or Rosy-faced Lovebird that has two subspecies; Masked Lovebird or the Yellow-collared Lovebird, Fischer's Lovebird, Lilian's Lovebird, Black-cheeked Lovebird, the Abyssinian Lovebird was also known as Black-winged Lovebird; Red-faced or the red-headed Lovebird has also two subspecies, Black-collared Lovebird that has three subspecies, and the Grey-headed Lovebird has two subspecies, which is a native to Madagascar, which is also known as the Madagascar lovebird.

It would not be tough selecting a Lovebird among these selections. Lovebirds differ in size and are the smallest parrots in the world. They have a squat build, short blunt tail, and an unusually large beak for their small bodies. They are regularly green with varying colors on their heads depending on their type. Some of their species are known to have an impressive white-ringed-eye, among them, are the Fischer's Lovebird, Black-cheeked Lovebird, and the Masked Lovebird.

There are also species that are sexually dimorphic, they are the Abyssinian Lovebird, Madagascar Lovebird, and the Red-faced Lovebird. It has been extremely popular in the aviculture the many varying mutant colors that have been produced by selective breeding. This only verifies that you have a huge range in selecting a Lovebird. Be certain that the Lovebird you select is bred in captivity.

In picking a Lovebird, you need to remember the likely implications it'd bring in breeding different species of Lovebirds because there are certain probabilities that they fight and might finish up slaughtering each other as these incidences have occurred in the history of keeping Lovebirds. Because of their different appearances, they can be mistaken for other species of Lovebirds as an enemy. Always thinking that another male species is a competitor to a possible partner.

Also, you have to put on your list of needs in picking Lovebirds is their diet and well being. They eat fruits, but not avocados as they are deadly to them, vegetables which are best cooked, nuts, grains, eatable blossoms and flowers, cereals, sprouts and pellets that are formulated for them is a good addition.

Selecting cages should also be one of the things you have in mind when choosing a Lovebird, cages should be the right size, which means it should be spacious enough for Lovebirds as they adore to fly. Apart from flying, Lovebirds also like to chew on things, so much so they are like rubbish makers, so before selecting a Lovebird, you must make certain you have loads of patience, that will tolerate anger amongst the adorable Lovebirds.

Before choosing to have a Lovebird as a pet, be certain that you have the patience, time, and lots of space. If you don't have the room, then taking on a Lovebird may not be the best idea for you. They do need loads of room so they have the spaciousness required to fly.

Lovebirds need regular interaction. Also, they should have quite a few toys - this is an important item to have on your list of needs for your lovebird. Without these distractions, they are going to become bored and stressed which can lead to a tantrum (a bit like a tiny kid) and that can be tough to deal with.

    By Elise Gonzalez

    Elise Gonzalez is a lovebird expert. Do You Want To Know How To Take Care Of Your Lovebird? Build Great Friendship With Your Bird? Discover more information about Picking A Lovebird, visit

    Article Source: EzineArticles

Thursday, December 28, 2017


Carrier Pigeon
Carrier Pigeon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Today's generation is fortunate enough to experience the wonders of modern communications. Letters are electronically sent in a matter of seconds via the Internet, and real-time conversation with colleagues from far away is now possible through Instant Messaging.

Ah, thanks to technology. Did you ever wonder what was it like a thousand years ago, when an ancient man was still one with nature and empires were just about to be built? Tribes communicated with each other through pigeons, and the racing pigeons were animals that were revered by many because of their speed and agility.

The great civilizations from East to West made full use of the racing pigeons as messengers that deliver important messages coming from the emperors out to the most remote areas of their lands. As empires expand, more and more racing pigeons were sent out to the sky.

Because of their intelligence and swiftness, racing pigeons were regarded as prized possessions during the ancient times. Just imagine empires having only horses and caravans as their message-carrying tools. It would take weeks before messages can be exchanged from one area to another. Animals that travel by land are also more prone to danger, especially during warfare.

One famous incident in history where racing pigeons proved their worth was when Napoleon was defeated in Waterloo. No other person knew about this event right away, except for Count Rothschild, who got this first-hand information through a racing pigeon. This knowledge enabled Rothschild to make decisions way before other persons had a chance to meddle. He was able to collect a large amount of money to start up a banking dynasty.

Racing pigeons were not only used as an important military weapon. During the Industrial Revolution when people started to revolutionize their way of thinking, racing pigeons were used as news-carriers not to aid a war, but to keep people informed about the society. Julius Reuter, the founder of the world-renowned Reuter News Service, was actually established as a line of pigeon posts. Up to this day, the symbol for many European postal systems is a racing pigeon.

As years go by, a lot more people have taken to raising pigeons. Gone are the days when only the nobles can have them. Most of the time, these birds are seen with racing enthusiasts, with the birds as the main attraction.

The most successful modern racing pigeons were developed in Belgium. They were a result of a cross between the Cumulet and the Smerle. The Cumulet is often described as a pigeon that has the ability to fly high and can be gone out of sight from the sky. The Smerle, on the other hand, doesn't fly as high as the Cumulet but is much faster and hastier.

It's no surprise that the Belgians were the ones who first enjoyed the hobby of pigeon racing. The first long-distance pigeon race was in Belgium in 1818. After 1875, the hobby of pigeon racing gained popularity in England. In the 19th century, the popularity of the hobby reached the United States.

Today, the world continues to be enthralled with the speed, endurance and the intelligence of racing pigeons. Amidst the technology that we have today, these pigeons still surely know how to get our fancy.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Fact Sheet: GREATER INDIA HILL MYNAH - Gracula Religiosa intermedia

(Original Title: Rainforest Birds - Greater India Hill Mynah)

English: Eastern Hill Myna (Gracula religiosa ...
Eastern Hill Myna (Gracula religiosa intermedia) in the Walsrode Bird Park, Germany. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Bird Name:
Greater India Hill Mynah

Latin Name:
Gracula Religiosa intermedia
Least concern

Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Sturnidae
Genus: Gracula
Species: G. Religiosa
Subspecies: G. Religiosa intermedia

General information:
Commonly known as the Talking Mynah, the Greater India Hill Mynah is one of 10 subspecies of G. religiosa, and is considered the northern subspecies. The Greater India Hill Mynah is an extremely vocal bird and is renowned for its ability to imitate. Along with the Java Hill Myna (G. religiosa religiosa) they are the most commonly captured and imported of the Hill Mynahs for the pet trade. Described by many as the best talking bird in the world, Hill Mynahs can choose to imitate any human voice and speak in high or low tones.

Physical Description:
The Greater India Hill Mynah averages 27 cm in length but can reach up to 35 cm. It is much larger in size than the Lesser Hill Mynahs. It has glossy black feathers which turn purple-blue when exposed to the sunshine. The wings show a white band and there is obvious yellow skin behind and below the eyes. The eye and nape patches are connected, which distinguishes it from the other subspecies. The bill is orange with a yellow tip. The feet and legs are also yellow. Males and females are similar. Juveniles also resemble adults, except their coats are dull and may have a ragged appearance before their first molt.

The diet consists of fruits, berries and seeds of various shrubs and trees. They are also known to eat insects and small lizards.

The Greater India Hill Mynah inhabits north India, China, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and the northern through central part of Thailand. They prefer areas of high rainfall and humidity and spend most of their lives in trees. They are known for inhabiting dense jungles near the forest edge, although they are now commonly found on tea and coffee plantations with many flowering shade trees. While not breeding large flocks accumulate, but couples are obvious.

The Greater India Hill Mynah nests in small tree holes usually located at the forest edge. Several pairs may nest in the same tree without territorial aggression. The monogamous pair searches together for the nesting site. Both sexes fill the hole with twigs, leaves, and feathers. Females instigate copulation by stretching horizontally and flapping their tails up and down quickly. The average clutch is 2 eggs which are blue with brown spots. Incubation lasts 13-17 days and the majority is done by the female. Parents will feed the nestlings together and they will leave them unattended when searching for food. The young fledge after a month and the pair will begin a new clutch. Hill mynas average 2-3 clutches per year, with the most occurring in warmer climates. Breeding is between April and July, although it does vary slightly by region.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

FINCHES From Galapagos Are Known As DARWIN`S FINCHES

Galapagos Cactus Finch / A Darwin Finch (also ...
Galapagos Cactus Finch / A Darwin Finch (also known as the Galápagos Finches or as Geospizinae) are a group of 15 species of Passerine birds, now placed in the tanager family rather than the true finch family. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The finches from the Galapagos Islands were part of Darwin's original research on evolution, Darwin spent a great deal of time on the islands studying the finches behavior and evolution. These finches are frequently referred to as Darwin's Finches.

On the Galapagos Islands, you will find thirteen different species of finch. There is some controversy here, as some people report the species count to be fourteen. Each of these species is a direct descendant of one original species of finch that was found on the island. The Galapagos Islands have such varying climates, and temperatures that the little birds had to adapt to the area they lived in whether it be hot or humid.

The biggest adaptation they made was in their beaks. Of the thirteen species of finches found on the islands, you will find different beak structures among them. As years went by, the little bird's beaks evolved to better enable them to eat the food sources most readily available in their habitat. As hard as we work to provide our pet birds with the perfect habitat, and climates, it should amaze us that these little creatures have survived at all. Darwin himself found these little birds to be fantastic adapters to their environment.

All the ground finches, (Small Ground Finch, Medium Ground Finch, Large Ground Finch and Sharp Beaked Ground Finch) have crushing beaks. The Vegetarian Finch also has a crushing beak. While the Tree Finch and the Cactus Finch both have beaks built more for grasping. The Woodpecker Finch and the Warbler Finch, both have beaks suited to probing for their food.

The different species of ground finches use their crushing beaks to pick ticks from tortoises and iguanas for food. They will also kick eggs into rocks and eat the contents of the egg. The Woodpecker Finch will use twigs and cactus spines like tools to dig the larva out of tree branches, one of the only species to use tools.

The Sharp Beaked Ground Finch is often referred to as a vampire. It will land on the backs of the Masked Boobies and peck them to feed on their blood. Rather a vicious little finch.

The thirteen species of finch found on the islands are not considered the brightest or the most colorful of the finch family. In fact, these finches are mostly in shades of grey, black, brown and olive-green.

These amazing little birds manage to survive some extreme and harsh conditions on the islands. Some years there is adequate rainfall and when this occurs there is more than enough food to sustain all the birds on the islands. However, this is not the case every year. Some years the islands are drought stricken and the food is scarce. This is the reason the birds have evolved and adapted to allow them to eat a greater variety of foods. They do not always have the abundance of grass seeds, and their adaptive beaks come in handy.

These compact birds blend into their surroundings very well. They are small like sparrows. The Vegetarian Finch is about the biggest finch on the islands. Their drab colors and quiet mannerisms help to hide them from natural predators.

This is a good thing. The finches from Galapagos are a real treat to see because they are endangered. There are very few of Darwin's Finches left on the islands. Evolution, I guess, can only protect them for so long.

Learn the joy of Finch companionship and how to buy, keep and raise healthy Finches. Come find all the information you need at Galapagos Finches.

    I am Ralph Siskin and I have been raising and learning about Finches for quite some time. I love these birds and want to share what I know with other Finch lovers or people just interested in birds. I invite you to come see my site and read my free mini-course on " Top 10 Secrets To Healthy & Happy Finches" by clicking to
    Article Source: EzineArticles

Friday, December 22, 2017

PECULIARITIES in nesting of CANARIES. How to bread canaries (Difficulties in laying eggs)

Three week old canaries
Photo  by godhead22 
If at the time of laying eggs the female canary stays bristled up and immovable, this could mean that it has difficulties in laying eggs. The mature egg, ready to be laid, cannot pass through the cloaca – the reasons can be different. The normally formed egg cannot be laid by the female only when it is ill or weak. In extraordinary situations very often it happens so that the egg has no shell and only an egg with a shell can press the muscles of the oviduct – a soft egg without a shell can do this. The shell does not form only when the organism of the female bird does not have enough calcium. Excessively young females very often have difficulties in laying eggs. 

IMPORTANT! If you do not have enough experience, take the bird to a vet. Only a very experienced selectionist can afford to try different types of help. 

Suggestions for advanced ones: 

- Turn on the infrared light. 

- With a pipette drip a drop into the cloaca. It very often helps and after half an hour the egg gets out.

- Very easy and carefully massage the area around the cloaca.The egg without shell cracks and practically drips out. Controversially - the normally formed egg should not crack as pieces of the shell can cause internal traumas. 

How to prevent nesting? 

Generally, female canaries are ready to nest from spring till the beginning of summer which makes it possible to nest once -twice a year, the same as the free-living canaries. The delicate domestic canaries could “ fall out ” of this rhythm and to be ready to nest for excessively long time. More than 2 nestings a year are very exhausting for the female bird. In such cases, you should interfere and prevent them. This, of course, can be done after the first nesting in case that you don't want other small ones. 

One of the possibilities is not to give the female bird any opportunity to make a nest, this means to take out all materials necessary to make a nest. Sometimes this reduces its desire to build a nest. However, many female birds go on by plucking feathers from themselves or from the male canary. In such cases, you have no other chance than allowing the bird to build the nest and to lay eggs. Then replace every egg laid with an artificial one. The female bird can incubate these eggs as long as it wishes. Finally, remove the nest – you should not trouble that the female bird will suffer from psychiatrical shock and will be sad. Such cases in wild nature can be seen very often. Laying eggs is not a guaranty to bring up a progeny, they could not be inseminated. 

What you should not do? To give medication which prevents nesting.First of all, they are not very efficient and second they are harmful very often.