Wednesday, March 14, 2018

BIRD BREEDS and their Care

Two Rose-ringed Parakeets (also known as the R...
Two Rose-ringed Parakeets (also known as the Ring-necked Parakeet) at Canberra Walk In Aviary, (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
So you've decided to get a bird as a pet. Here is a guideline for different breeds, how to care and general characteristics to get you familiarized with your new pet.

Finches - the popular breeds are gray singing, green singing, society finch, and zebra finch. Cages should be a box-type or they can be kept in an aviary. They need perches and some might need baths.
The regular size of such cages ranges 20x10x12 inches. Some finches are good singers, and many have fine markings and beautiful color combinations. Popular breeds are relatively inexpensive.

Canaries - the popular breeds are: roller, more glost, border canary, red-factor canary and other smaller varieties. They need perches and bath in their cages which range in sizes 20x14x16 inches. These birds can range from the inexpensive to the expensive. Good cage birds can be kept in an aviary with other seed-eating species, even some softbills. They are brightly colored, sweet singers (if male, though some hens sing a little).

Soft-billed birds (non-seed eating) - One such soft-billed bird is the Pekin robin. It can be housed alone or in pairs in an indoor cage - 30x18x26 inches. These birds are strong, lively and strong singers (particularly males). They have beautiful plumage, couples are quite affectionate and they need water daily.

Shama is another soft-billed bird that can be housed alone or in pairs in an aviary. It must stay indoors in winter. They tend to mimic everything from rusty gate to a nightingale. They can be quite exuberant.
The Golden-fronted leafbird is another soft-billed bird that can be kept in a cage or aviary with other smaller species. Cage sizes tend to range in 32x20x24 inches. The males sing sweetly. They are brightly colored and easily tamed.

Parrots - The Budgerigar (small species of parrots) can stay in cage size 24x12x16 inches with horizontal wire. They may also house in an aviary. Spray the cage on warm days with a mist sprayer. They come in many colors and can learn words if taught young. They are affectionate, sometimes noisy and relatively inexpensive.

The Lovebird is another breed of parrots that can stay in a cage size 23x12x16 inches with horizontal wire. They are affectionate if hand-reared. They come in many colors and are relatively inexpensive.
The South American parakeets (concur, Aratinga etc.) and Asiatic parakeets can stay in a cage 47x36x36 inches. They are curious and beautifully colored and quite noisy.

Australian parakeets can stay in cages 47x36x36 inches. They can be aggressive and good pets only if hand-reared. They can also be kept in an aviary with other parakeet species and finches.

The Lory and Lorikeet need nectar mixture, fruits, and honey. They are beautifully colored and affectionate. Cage sizes can be 47x36x36 inches like the Australian parakeets.

The African gray parrot is a good talker and can mimic quite well. They are capricious and feather pickers. Cage sizes should be 59x59x63 inches.

The Amazon Parrot should have a cage as big as the African gray parrot. They are also good talkers and mimic others well. They need space but can be quite hard to breed.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Carrier Pigeon

Pigeons have an uncanny homing instinct. In fact, they were used as mail carriers as far back as 5000 years ago. In the early 1800's, a sport has been developed using these magnificent creatures as racing animals. The pigeon's disposition to fly home even after long flights has made the sport a favorite hobby among pigeon lovers. Pigeon racing competitions abound all over the world, with most of them involving big money.

Being a successful pigeon racer requires discipline, constant care and a penchant eye for detail. Here are some important tips that will help you become a winner in this sport:

1. Set up a loft in your backyard and ensure that the pigeon is basket trained as soon as it learns how to fly. Pigeons have a deep sense of home. Once they recognize the loft as their humble abode, they will be attached to it for life. Despite long flights, a pigeon has a specialized mechanism that allows them to track the coordinates and be able to fly back to their home. 

2. Observe proper feeding as you raise the pigeons. It's also very important that the pigeons be fed at home in order for them to get attached to their loft. Doing this can increase the motivation of your pigeons to fly home as quickly as possible and as a result improve your chances of winning the competitions. 

3. Set up a training loft and always keep it open during training sessions. Also, ensure that there's sufficient space for the pigeons to enhance their flight skills. Everything else comes easy once this is done since the bird themselves are always eager to flex their flight muscles. Remember that the loft they were raised in is not the same as the training loft, but it's completely acceptable to set a single loft that can serve as both.

4. A pigeon trap can be set up to enable the owner to record behavioral patterns and tally the amount of time a pigeon takes to fly home. Placing treats inside the pigeon trap will also encourage the pigeons to always return to it. This should make training much easier.

5. As with the pigeon trap, treats can be used in training the pigeons to enter the release basket. This basket is where the pigeons are placed and released at the start of a racing competition. 

6. This is where the training proper starts, not to mention that it's the fun part. Train your racing pigeons to fly home from a long distance by placing them at a definite spot. Just make sure to make an estimate of the distance before doing this since it's recommendable that you tally a graphical data in order to monitor performance and trends. The first training usually sets the distance from the home at a mile or two. 

7. Increase the distance from home at reasonable increments during the course of the training program. At its peak, a racing pigeon should be able to fly home efficiently at a distance of 20 miles or more.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Fact Sheet: GOULDIAN FINCH - Erythrura gouldiae

(Original Title: GOULDIAN FINCHES - Nature's Brilliant Rainbows)

Gouldian Finch @ Jurong Bird Park
Photo  by _paVan_ 
The Gouldian Finch is one of the most colorful species of birds in the world. Gouldians originate from the tropical region of northern Australia. In the late 19th century, Gouldian Finches, also known as Lady Gouldian Finches, were exported to Great Britain where they were enthusiastically received. In 1960, Australia prohibited the exportation of these birds.

Gouldian's plumage appears almost artificially brilliant such that their coloration seems unnatural. As with many species of birds, the plumage of the male Gouldian is more striking than that of the female. Gouldian finches are one of the easiest birds to sex, as each gender has a distinct pattern of feather colors. Additionally, the center tail feather of the male is longer than that of the female.
Juveniles also have quite distinctive colors and are naked and pink until they are about 12 days old. Interestingly, the beaks of young Gouldians have a phosphorescent blue bead on either side that allows their parents to see them in the dark.

There are three naturally occurring varieties of Gouldians - the black-crested, the red-crested, and the yellow-crested. In addition to the commonly recognized color varieties, there are a number of color sub-variants including blue and yellow-bodied mutations.

All finches are social and Gouldians are no exception. They should be housed in one or more pairs to keep them emotionally healthy. Gouldian finches require a higher level of care than that their more laid back and hardier cousins, the Zebra Finch and Society Finch.

All finches are diurnal, which means they are active in the daytime. Offer your pet birds at least 8 hours of exposure to sunlight to provide them with essential vitamin D. In warm weather, put the cage outside as a special treat. And like all finches, Gouldian finches resist finger-taming or petting.

Lady Gouldian finches require more vitamins, nutrients, and supplements in captivity than heartier finch breeds such as the Zebra and Society Finches. Diet consists of varieties of seeds, live food, and rock salt.These birds also require a good amount of protein and calcium, especially in breeding season. Mealworms and eggs are a good source of protein and can be kept in a feeding cup separate from that of their seed bowl. A second separate cup can be kept containing greens like lettuce and celery. As with all finches, grit is not needed, but calcium-rich cuttlebone is a must.

Cages and Aviaries
Gouldian finches are around five inches in size, but they need twenty inches minimum of horizontal flying space. The spacing between bars should not be over 1/2 inch in order to thwart escape attempts and reduce the chance of injury. These birds are well suited for either metal or wooden cages. But do not house your finches in brass cages. Brass is toxic to finches!

All finches enjoy bathing, and if given the opportunity will bathe up to three times a day. Place a small open dish of water in the bottom of their cage to help the birds maintain their skin and feathers.
Gouldians need warmth. The ideal indoor temperature for these birds is 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit can cause serious illness and even death.

Health Issues

Unlike hardier species of finches, frequent stress to Gouldians can weaken their resistance to disease. These birds are creatures of habit. When change is forced upon them they will become stressed and anxious. For instance, frequent cage movement can be very disruptive to them.

Two of the most prevalent health problems with Gouldians are air sac mites and Egg Binding.

Egg Binding is a serious problem that affects the female. Eggs get stuck in the birthing canal and the bird is unable to pass it. Symptoms include loss of appetite, weakness and sitting at the bottom of the cage. Egg Binding requires immediate attention.

Air sac mite infestation is a respiratory ailment that makes it difficult for the finch to properly breathe. This can lead to more serious illness and should be immediately treated by a veterinarian.
Streptococcus is another common finch disease. This illness is caused by a wound infection that did not heal properly. Symptoms of this disease include panting, listlessness, fluffing, weight loss and, in severe cases, seizures. Streptococcus is curable when treated at first at first sign of illness.

Gouldian finches are somewhat difficult to breed and prefer a nest box placed in a breeding pair cage as opposed to nesting in their regular cage.

These birds breed and nest during the wintertime, so indoor heated housing is a must. As breeding season approaches, the tip of the male's beak will turn a bright cherry red. The pair produces four to six eggs during each mating cycle. One egg is laid per day.

Newly hatched chicks are pink and featherless until about 12 days old when the beginnings of feathers start to appear. Fledglings leave the nest at 3 weeks.

Female finches don't always stand by their man. Given the opportunity, they'll indulge in a promiscuous tryst with other males. This infidelity is not merely cold-hearted cheating. It's an evolutionary strategy that encourages dominant males to pass on their genes.

Gouldians have gorgeous plumage. Because of their brilliant feathers, they actually give the appearance of being artificial.

Though Gouldian Finches are officially listed as an endangered bird in Australia, they can be readily be purchased in Europe and North America. These birds are most comfortable in a stable housing environment with a minimum of cage movement to avoid stress.

It's recommended that prospective finch owners with little or no experience in finch care consider those hardier breeds such as the Society Finch or Zebra Finch over that of the Gouldian Finch.
Although the care of Gouldians is more involved than that of other finch species, enjoyment of their vibrant colors, quirky personalities, and bouncy energy makes a rewarding return on your investment in their welfare.

    By Daniel P. Ransom
    Daniel P. Ransom is a finch expert and enthusiast with over 20 years experience keeping and breeding many varieties of finches. He supplies local and regional pet shops and aviaries with healthy and happy finches.
    Article Source: EzineArticles

Saturday, March 10, 2018

The Amazing Characteristics of FALCONS

Peregrine Falcon, (Red-capped Falcon) Falco pe...
Peregrine Falcon, (Red-capped Falcon)
(Photo credit: 

Falcons are amazing predators and in my opinion the most spectacular aerial predator in the world. They are not the strongest amongst birds of prey, but their hunting tactics are truly remarkable. There is a reason that fighter jets are designed after falcons. It is not just the amazing speed, but also the way they are able to turn at g-forces that would kill a human being.

There are many types of falcons throughout the world and North America. The most commonly found in North America are the Prairie Falcon, American Kestrel, Merlin, Gyr Falcon, and the infamous Peregrine Falcon. Kestrels hunt in a different fashion and do not use diving techniques. The Peregrine is the most well known for its speed and hunting ability. In my opinion, the Gyrfalcon, although larger is as fast as the peregrine.

Falcons mainly prey upon other birds, such as ducks, pigeons, grouse, etc... They fly high in the sky far above their prey and when ready to pursue, go into an incredible dive. In the dive, they turn in a corkscrew fashion after their prey. Even though the fastest way from one point to the other is a straight line, the falcon dives in this way to keep its eye on its prey. The reason is their eyes are placed more on the side of their head, instead of looking straight forward like humans. They have long narrow wings built for speed and a long narrow tail built for amazing turning capability. They strike their prey at incredible speeds in mid-air, sometimes the one strike is all it takes to kill. If not the falcon will gain altitude again quickly and strike again and again. They are also well known for chasing their prey down after the initial strike. They sometimes hit with their feet and talons open and sometimes with their feet closed making a fist. Either way is enough to make a lethal blow to its prey.

The Peregrine Falcon has been documented diving at speeds at 232mph. This 2-pound bird has been known to take prey as large as a 9-pound sage grouse, the largest game bird in North America. In the falconry world, falconers breed falcons for hunting purposes. The popular Falcon to breed is a hybrid, a bird that is half peregrine and half Gyrfalcon. Many falconers like to use male birds because of their tenacity, the problem is the males are smaller than females and are not large enough to take down the popular sage grouse. This hybrid bird is perfect for sage grouse hunting, they get the large size from the Gyrfalcon and the tenacity from the peregrine falcon. These hybrids are usually the size of a female peregrine but have the personality of a male.

The peregrine falcon seemed to be doomed to extinction because of a chemical pesticide, called DDT that farmers used on their crops. Finally, the US banned DDT and since then the peregrine, along with many other species of birds have made a full recovery. The peregrine is common and will even build their nests on ledges of a giant building that resemble a cliff in big cities. Watch high in the sky for this amazing predator that is truly the jet fighter of the bird world.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Fact Sheet: ZEBRA FINCH - Taeniopygia guttata

(Original Title: Zebra Finches-Fiesty Birds With a Perky Attitude!)

Zebra of a different kind
Photo  by Prab Bhatia Photography 

Zebra finches are classified as the smallest of the pet birds available on the market. Originating from the continent of Australia, they are also found in Indonesia, Central, and North America. With their attractive plumage and ease of maintenance, they are highly prized as pets. They are relatively hardy birds which can be kept indoors as well as in outdoor aviaries.

They have been a popular pet bird for over 100 years. They are an ideal choice for any bird enthusiast or anyone looking for a pet. Zebra Finches can live up to 10 years with good nutrition and care.

Zebra finches come in several patterns and colors. They vary in color according to their breed. Typically, the male sports a gray-hued body and wings, while his underside is off-white. The beak and legs are a red-orange color. There are cheek patches on his head and a tear-dropped shaped mark under the eyes. There is a chestnut brown white dotted coloration below the wings. And finally, the male has a black and white striped chest which gives the species its' common name.

The female boasts a gray-hued body and wings along with the off-white underside. The beak is one shade of orange lighter than that of the male. The major difference in appearance between male and female is that the male displays the cheek patches while the female does not. Both females and males have red eyes and their feet are a combination of orange and yellow.

Zebra finches are active birds, able to entertain themselves. They have soft, pleasing vocalizations consisting of chirping and peeping. They are flock birds and do best when a number of pairs are housed together. They are usually sold in pairs and need to be maintained as pairs for their emotional well-being.

Zebra finches are messy and voracious eaters, typically dropping seed everywhere. They are feisty little critters with a perky attitude. Zebra finches are crazy about canary tassel toys!

Like all finches, Zebra finches are cautious with humans and don't enjoy being touched. These birds do not become finger tame, though they do come to enjoy the interaction with their owners over time. However, some owners attest to bird's ability to learn to become at ease with a human touch. As social animals, they do require the company of other compatible birds to stay emotionally healthy.

Cages and Aviaries
Zebra finches are relatively hardy birds that can be kept indoors, or in outdoor aviaries. Experts advise owners to house their finches in the largest cage affordable. Zebra finches do well in a mixed aviary. However, they don't mix well with all species of finches.

All finches are mostly seed eaters. Finch owners have assumed that their birds need grit similar to other bird species. However, finches do not require grit. Give your birds daily fresh water. Finches can die within 24 hours without water. Supplement their diet of seeds with greens and fruit-but don't overdo it! Supply a calcium supplement, especially during mating season. Cooked eggshells make a good substitute for cuttlebone.

Zebra finches are usually quite healthy, but not quite as hardy as larger pet birds,
They are very susceptible to airborne toxins. Also, they can catch colds from drafts. Therefore, they need to be housed clear of windows and doors in order to stay healthy. They will do well in temperatures down to around 40 F.

Zebra finches easily breed in captivity. Zebras breed colonially and are socially monogamous, in many cases maintaining permanent pair bonds. The male helps in the nest building as well as hatching duties and feeding the young. Zebra finches can lay a maximum of eight eggs, but usually have 2 to 5 eggs in their nests. Zebra Finches will lay one egg every other day until their clutch is complete.

After egg laying, it's the hen that will spend most of her time on the nest. The male will from time to time, relieve her for food and exercise breaks. The eggs will begin to hatch 12 to 18 days after they have been laid.

Breeding zebra finches in pair cages are ideal. However, they will breed in aviaries. During mating season the birds require up to 16 hours of daily sunlight. If there is no window in the area where the cage is located, supply an artificial source of light with a timer.

Zebra finches are arguably the most popular and commonly kept Australian finch species. Zebra finches are some of the easiest pet birds to keep and can make excellent companions for people where noise and space is a concern. With good nutrition and care, these birds can live up to 10 years. They are considered one of my favorite of all finch varieties.

    By Daniel P. Ransom
    Daniel P. Ransom is a finch expert. He has been raising and breeding many varieties of finches for over 20 years. He supplies local and regional pet shops with happy and healthy birds. Article Source: EzineArticles

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Several Different Breeds of BANTAM CHICKENS

A bantam rooster (breed unknown)
A bantam rooster (breed unknown)
(Photo credit: 
To better understand the numerous types and kinds of bantam chickens, we need to understand the actual definition of the word. When used in relation to fowl or chickens, Bantam is used for any extremely small fowl. The way most people have understood this rating is my understanding that for most of the regular breeds of chickens there are some bantam counterparts. These are most often one-fourth to one-fifth the size of the standard chickens, thus earning them the addition of miniature or bantam to their original name.

When taking into consideration the original namesake of bantam, this chicken or fowl has no standard counterpart. The most popular and commonly known bantam chickens are the Dutch bantam, the Sebright bantam, the Japanese bantam and the Dutch bantam. Due in part to their size and ease of care, bantams have rapidly risen to the top of the list as pets used primarily for shows or competitions. Because of their size, they require far less food, space, and maintenance resulting in their previously mentioned status as preferred pets.

Some of the most widely known breeds of bantam chickens are the Cochin, Japanese Bantams, common Bantam, Barnevelder, Old English Game, Polish chicken, D'Uccle, Pekin, Serama and the Sussex bantams. The following are brief descriptions of them:

The Cochin bantam is one of the largest breeds of bantams with the male known for weighing in at a surprising 5 Kg. (11 pounds). This particular bantam breed was introduced in China as the Chinese Shanghai and later exported to America and Britain. Another Bantam breed closely related and developed from this breed is the Pekin bantam.

Japanese bantams most commonly referred to as Chao, are literally spread worldwide. These chickens are mostly used in shows and as pets.

Barnevelder bantam is among the most popular breed of chickens for shows, carcass, and egg production. Producing rich brown eggs is their speciality and they are natural foragers on top of being a medium heavy breed which makes them excellent for either gaming or food.

Pekin bantam female.
Pekin bantam female. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Old English Game bantams also make excellent pets for children and are a source of special shows in the United Kingdom for this specific popular breed. This bantam breed is almost opposite to its standard counterpart, the Old English Game chicken in that it lacks an aggressive nature.

The Polish chicken has primarily bred for their show abilities due to the fact their appearance is almost beautiful. Boasting such colours as pink, purple, and blue, these bantams do not sit on eggs but produce stark, white eggs.

Uccle is a town on the outskirts of Brussels, Belgium and is the namesake of the Barbu D'Uccle bantam with soft feathers. This chicken received its name from the French, translating as Bearded of Uccle.
The Pekin bantam, sporting feathers on their legs and feet combined with plumage that hangs to the ground, has often been referred to as a "walking tea-cosy". Noticeably smaller, measuring in at 20 - 30 centimetres and are well known for their mothering instincts.

The Serama bantam breed of chickens is basically still in production. Although they are currently ranked as the smallest chickens in the world, their breed has not been bred true as of yet, meaning breeding them could result in any colour, shape, size, etc.

The Sussex bantam is one-quarter the size of its standard counterpart, better known as the most common of backyard chickens in different countries around the world.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Fact Sheet: RED-BILLED LEIOTHRIX or Pekin Robin - Leiothrix lutea

(Original Title: Rainforest Birds - Red-Billed Leiothrix or Pekin Robin)

English: Red-billed Leiothrix Nederlands: Japa...
Red-billed Leiothrix  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Bird Name:
Red-billed Leiothrix or Pekin Robin

Latin Name:
Leiothrix lutea

Least Concern
Although added to CITIES Appendix II in 1998.

Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Timaliidae
Genus: Leiothrix
Species: L. lutea

General information:
Common names of the Red-billed Leiothrix include Pekin Robin, Pekin Nightingale, Chinese Nightingale and Japanese (Hill) Robin.

The Red-billed Leiothrix is a brightly coloured babbler. Two subspecies exist, in the western range L. lutea kumaiensis and in the eastern range L. lutea calipyga. The rarer L. l. kumaiensis has the absence of the red edge on the inner primaries. Common in the pet trade, Red-billed Leiothrix is known for its loud melodious songs. It is currently of lest concern on the IUCN red list but was added to CITIES in 1998 because native habitat is being destroyed and the demand of the cage bird market.

Physical Description:
The Red-billed Leiothrix averages 13-15 cm in length and weighs 21-25 gm. Adults are brightly colored and have red bills with a dull yellow ring around their eyes. Their backs are a dull olive green and they have a bright yellow-orange throat with a yellow chin. They have a forked blackish tail. The sexes appear similar although males are brighter in color. Juveniles have black bills and grey coats.

Fruits and seeds are the primary diets, although they will eat small invertebrates including larval and adult butterflies, moths, millipedes, and spiders. The Red-billed Leiothrix feeds in groups, except when pairs are breeding. Water is obtained from pools on fallen leaves.

The Red-billed Leiothrix is native to Southern Asia ranging from central Himalayas in India and Nepal eastwards to Burma and Vietnam. It was introduced to the Hawaiian Islands from escaped cage birds. Small populations also escaped in Japan. The Red-billed Leiothrix inhabits underbrush with a dense cover of vegetation near the ground. Cup nest made of leaves and moss lined with fungal substance usually on a low horizontal forked branch. They favor areas with heavy rainfall, at least 40 inches of rain yearly. They are often found traveling in small flocks.

The Red-billed Leiothrix breeds March to August. They are monogamous and the pairs will mate for life. The clutch consists of 3 or 4 egg, although 5 can occur. Eggs are a pale blue with reddish spots. Due to low nest placement, eggs are highly vulnerable to predators, especially rats. Adults may distract predators away from the nest by running and calling on the ground. Incubation is approximately 14 days. Both parents contribute to the feeding of the young. Most commonly insects and small fruits are the early food source. Nestlings have a bright reddish apricot skin.

    By Tony Mandarich
    Author Tony Mandarich has written many articles about one of his passions, rainforest birds.
    Article Source: EzineArticles

Monday, March 5, 2018

A Way of Handling Your PET BIRD

English: A juvenile Regent Parrot (Polytelis a...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Bird trainers have developed skills or techniques, and become experts in understanding the behavioural nature of the parrot.  Several books, manuscript, and guidelines for promoting the positive angles to be on the winning side in a behavioral conquest of the bird have helped a lot of amateurs and pet owners.

Parrots are the most misunderstood birds in existence.  It's up to you to get thru better relationships with your bird, for it is, what you make it so.  Before knowing it, at the slightest trait overlook, this bird in your cage could create havocs of anxiety and frustrations in your life.  Basically, parrots need real training, otherwise, you will one day find out, it becomes an undesirable annoying character stealing away every bit of your peaceful, chaos-free moments.

Basics in training start with the bird's character traits and instincts. Your first approach is to notice its biting habits and screaming. These are inherent to parrots especially if it seemed likely to be ignored.

Like humans, they develop into an emotional outburst, and their tendency is to find an object to throw out their fits.

Instinctive biting and screaming loudly distract. Try to find out what causes such behaviour.  Every bit of undesirable action could be a reaction that actually comes from its surrounding environment, either from your very self or from anyone among your companions inside the house.

Behavioural Aspects of Training

1. Let us deal with terms similar to psychology in humans.

- Operant conditioning, a situation in training, on other domestics or your bird pet; reacting well in order to gain something positive, or to evade something negative. Example:  Directing your bird to whistle, if it mimics the action, you hand in its food.  Next time, the instinct to eat allows impulsive choice to obey, whatever you want it to do, a whip of your finger, or cue from your mouth.

- The bridging stimulus set an example when a hand is raised to command the bird to perch in one corner of the cage, the demonstrative actions serve a bridge for the parrot to choose in abeyance following the hand cuing because a toy is ready at reach.

2. Do not punish pets for any negative attitude or actions done previously.

Example:  When it unties cage's knots (birds do keep biting and untying); a long time before you discovered it, don't whip or deprive it of meals.  Birds or animals do not know of past and future.  Bird's instinct is to live or act "here" and "now," and never aware of anything done ostentatiously.  Turn to let a parrot obey you on what it does at the moment.

A large scale of parrot species needs to be captivated to ensure you with one of the best pet favoured by many households.  Research where your pet originated in order to pursue utmost care in mutual relationships between humans and birds.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Attracting MOURNING DOVES to Bird Feeders - Which Feeder is Best?

Mourning Dove - Photo: Flickr
Attracting Mourning Doves, sometimes called just Doves or Rock Pigeons, etc..., is an easy activity. Doves are year-round residents throughout most of the US and summer in southern Canada as well. It is a popular bird found at most feeding stations, typically in small flocks. Getting doves to feed at a station is simple and they are regulars at most all. Getting them to feed FROM a feeder is another story though. Not that they won't use a feeder but their size typically restricts them from landing on or even setting on one.

We are asked two questions here regarding doves. First is: "How do I deter doves from my yard?" I personally love the doves and cannot figure out why people don't want them and that's a whole different article. The other and more popular question are: "How do I attract the mourning dove?" Doves are a natural ground feeding bird. Watch them for a short while and you will see they are rather content milling around on the ground picking up whatever gets kicked from your feeders. After talking to a customer for a few minutes, we find that most people are actually asking us how to get doves ON a feeder or what is the best feeder for a dove? That's a different story altogether.

Doves are a large and clumsy bird. Having one land on your feeder is like having a jumbo jet land on a seagoing aircraft carrier. Matter of fact, each scenario looks similar to one another in their landing patterns. Like an aeroplane, a dove tends to glide into a feeder wavering left and right, up and down. So, if you desire the idea of having doves ON your feeders, you will need large feeders. Our largest feeder is actually named the Mourning Dove Series and for good reason. It's BIG in all ways. The extra room provided by a large hopper feeder or a medium to large fly-through will provide enough room for a dove to navigate its way onto one. We also offer what is known as a seed catcher tray. It's a large flat platform feeder that is designed to set underneath pole mounted feeders and adds a great deal or "real estate" to any feeding station.

If you seriously want doves to feed on your feeder, I recommend setting up a medium to a large fly-through feeder. It allows for a good quantity of seed and gives the doves plenty of landing room. If you desire a hopper style feeder, pick the largest one your budget will allow and look for a feeder with a base platform having extra room around the hopper. The more area you offer the dove, the more successful it will be in landing. Adding a seed catcher tray will positively contribute to your success rate due to its oversized "landing pad." Once your doves are upon the feeder, they will be more than happy to hang around for long periods of time.

One other thing. When you set up a dove feeder, set up a pole or post mounted one. Hanging feeders tend to swing in the breeze and make a difficult landing situation for the bird, especially a hopper style feeder since the landing area is much smaller. A hanging feeder will also swing more wildly when the large and heavy bird makes its landing.

Feeding mourning doves will add a great deal of joy to your birding world. They typically stay around for long periods of time allowing you to enjoy them more than most other birds. They will still feed on the ground no matter what you do. So in effect, they will be acting as little house cleaners too. The less seed on the ground, the less you have to pick up. I highly recommend catering to this great bird and in doing so, you will be reward with countless hours of enjoyment from their subtle beauty and easy going calm mannerisms.

Peter Hurley has been an active nature lover and wildlife enthusiast his entire life and is the owner of The Hurley-Byrd Bird Feeder Co. His vast experience with nature and wildlife has led his company to produce some of the finest bird, deer and wildlife feeders in the world.

Visit for more information regarding the Mourning Dove and the enjoyable way of feeding this calm and beautiful bird. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to visit Hurley-Byrd's site and write Mr Hurley directly. You are also welcome to view some beautiful photos of birds, deer and other creatures at
Article Source: EzineArticles

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Why the KEA PARROT Makes For a Good Companion Bird

English: A Kea Nestor notabilis, an alpine par...
A Kea Nestor notabilis, 
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Kea parrot is among the very few members of the species that live in lofty mountains, particularly in New Zealand. But this does not mean they are not suitable as companion birds. This kind of parrot can actually adjust to any environment. While they have been known to live in windy and cold conditions, wild Keas often fly off to low lying forests and grasslands. They can even be seen wandering the coastlines. It is during the summer months that Keas go back to forested highlands that can go as high as 1,900 meters in elevation. They can be found mostly in burrows, riverbanks, and even in places that have plenty of large tree roots.

A Kea parrot can eat almost anything that you can throw at its mouth. They have known omnivores. A typical diet for this parrot includes plant leaves, flowers, roots, fruits and seeds. They definitely love berries, but they can also gobble up worms and insects. Keas also eat garbage and dead and rotting flesh. They used to be hunted for bounty because they attacked livestock, specifically sheep. In zoos and as pets, Keas can be fed with the usual parrot mixes, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. You can also put in eggs, live worms, and even dog biscuits as special treats. If the climate in your area is extremely different from the natural environment of Keas, do not forget to give your pet some vitamins and other supplements to keep it healthy.

In the wild, a Kea parrot is estimated to have a lifespan of 15 years. But in zoos, many Keas have lived for more than 20 years. This can only mean that Keas can be your companion parrot for a long time. Taking a closer look at the physical features of this bird, you will see that Keas are primed for survival. For one, their feathers are thick and can provide ample protection against harsh environmental conditions. Next, they have long and bony beaks that allow it to reach into or pry open difficult food sources. They even have sharp claws that allow them to root out underground food such as worms.

On top of its survival instincts, the Kea parrot also oozes with inquisitiveness and intelligence. Experts have been fascinated by this parrot's strong interest in newly found items. Keas have also been observed to apply a fixed social structure, where each member of the group (called a pandemonium) cooperates in finding food. Truly, all these characteristics make Keas some of the best companion parrots to care for.

Friday, March 2, 2018


A pet Sun Parakeet (also known as Sun Conure) ... Sun Parakeet (also known as Sun Conure) perching on a shoulder. It has been wingclipped. 

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Parrots are very interesting birds because of its mimicking abilities.  When petting bird is your concern, it takes a lot different than getting other domesticated animals for a household companion.

A parrot is a noisy bird, more unpleasant if not given due attention and care.  It is subject to emotional fits depending on how its instincts and traits developed from former habitat; to compliment or conform, to the lifestyle of the adopting family it embraced.

Reasons People Get Pets into their Households

1. When a person is alone in the house a pet companion is the solution.  Individuals find it comfortable to select bird or animal pet because it emits trust.  You'll likely distrust more individuals from your own peers than pet animals.
2. Many people choose parrots because they could easily communicate and could return back conversations as they have instinctive qualities to mimic.
3. Pets, regardless of kind have therapeutic implications to the aged, or desperate.
4. A parrot helps to usher the presence of somebody thru noisy enthusiastic antics to welcome a friend it recognize.
5. Birds are nature-groomed, tidy, beautiful, and attractive because of its colorful feathers.
6. Unlike any other pet, parrots never get contaminated easily being caged and are not able to stray on grounds.


There are many parrot classifications from so many kinds in various countries of origin.  But there are more to a dozen of species for each type mentioned in all those actively trainable birds.  To illustrate a few from among the types "Conures," will tell that each one comes from a certain wild place of origin, almost all from the wilds of South America or South and Eastern Africa where vast virgin forest still abound.  

- Sun Conure - A type of Conures parrot it is a very beautiful bird in a mixture of yellow, orange and red with a slight touch of green on its wings.  Green is more dominant in the young suns and colour become brighter in a series of moults.  An adult sun weighs 100 to 120 grams.  Gender can't be detected easily except when one observes closely.  Female birds are more rounded and smaller than the males that are square, flat and larger.  Known for being loud and noisy, are possibly easy to train.  Comes from the wilds of Brazil (Northwestern), Venezuela, and Guyana.

- Green Cheek Conure - Originated from South America.  Body and wings are of olive green colours, and tail of crimson hue.  The throat is of grey-green with small flecks of green. Sex can't be distinguished easily.

Things common among parrots regardless of species are loudness in noise, multi-coloured, gender are hard to detect, trainable but need attention, otherwise, it'll go naughty.  Parrots' lifespan is mostly average.

Thursday, March 1, 2018


English: Green-winged Macaw or Red-and-green M...
Green-winged Macaw or Red-and-green Macaw (Ara chloropterus) at Gatorland. 
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Macaw is a large tropical American parrot with a long tail harsh voice and brilliant plumage. 

Macaws are really beautiful all of there kind but I'll focus and give consideration to one kind of macaws

Green wing macaw is a beautiful giant bird that originates from South America. It comes from the genus Ara. Its scientific name is Ara Chloroptera which means ara for strong, chloro for green and ptera for wing. Its name speaks for itself but actually there wing has a striking blend of red with green and blue stripes. They were often confused with other macaws but still, it has its own uniqueness. A patch that is transverse with red feathers which looks like Indian war paint.

Is it ideal for us to take green wing macaw as a pet in our home? Yes, but it will be difficult because what I've said earlier it is a giant bird so it needed a large cage. Green wing macaw measures about 26-36 inches so it is approximately 2 1/2 to 3 feet and weighs 1250-1700g or 1.25-1.7kg. When choosing a cage for them for me I think a stainless cage would be better than the powder coated. The powder coating may not last under the green wing macaw's beak and maybe the powder coating might poison them and might cause harm. Green wing macaw is bought nowadays to be a pet. They interact socially with people and other macaws even though they don't speak much. A lot of people were funned of them but some misinterpret their appearance because it is some kind of a majestic. They fail to appreciate the extreme intelligent nature of the beautiful macaw.

It has been slow to breed in captivity from wild caught stock. It eventually improved with captive bred bird serves as the breeder. Their reproductive maturity is 4-5 years. Their lifespan is quite long it will last for about 60-80 years and even greater. So you will be buddy forever, and you will grow up together.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

LOVEBIRD Cages - Choose the Best Cage For Your Lovebird

Two pet domesticated lovebirds in a cage watch...
Two pet domesticated lovebirds in a cage watched by a large dog. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
One of the most vital things you need to remember in keeping Lovebirds is the Lovebird cages. The birdhouse should be with suitable and proper size for your loved Lovebirds. Your Lovebird cages should have sufficient room for your Lovebirds to fly openly. A cage 2 feet by 2 feet is sufficiently big for a single Lovebird, but you should purchase a larger one that's even better.

Ensure that the Lovebird cages you are purchasing are those that have bars that are close together. These cuties can occasionally be like Houdini who can squeeze themselves out of the cage, and voila, they fly away, rejoicing the taste of liberty. Also ensure that the door latches are well secured, picking locks is another one of their specialty. As you already know, Lovebirds like to fly round and round, they also like to climb backward and forwards in their cages.

It might be a good idea to provide your Lovebird cages with nice cozy perches. Good perches are a vital component in a lovebird's cage as they spend a heap of time standing on their feet. You may need to avoid choosing unvarying diameters of perches in your Lovebird cages for they may lead to injuries, the foot gets held up in the same position, and they get nearly no exercise and always have pressure points in the same location. You need to have at least 2 perches in your Lovebird cages with varying diameter.Swinging perches could be a nice option, for your Lovebirds will enjoy them. Swings, ladders and interlocked bamboos are a favorite.

Cleaning your cages can initially be a tedious responsibility. Having so many bars, cracks, and openings to clean, it can be tough for new Lovebird owners to work out where to begin. The crevices and cracks provide a perfect place for germs to swarm and as a Lovebird owner, you do not want germs prospering in your cages.

Setting and sticking to a cleaning schedule for your cages is crucial to holding down your job as simple as possible. Breaking down the method into easy jobs each day, week, and month not only saves your resources but makes sure that your bird always has a clean and comfy cage to live in.

Cleaning must be done to attenuate your Lovebird's likelihood of infection. Obviously, grimy Lovebird cages can end up in a large number of significant health problems in your Lovebirds. 

You've got to wash the liners, clean the food and water dishes, wipe down surfaces, including bars, perches, and toys, change the perches and revolve the toys, when washing the cage parts confirm it is totally dried. Wet surfaces on your Lovebird cages can wet your Lovebirds and they easily catch a cold.

Maintaining a clean environment for your pet takes just a couple of minutes a day, but can potentially add years to your Lovebird's life. Do your part to make certain that your beloved pets stay ecstatic and comfortable by keeping their Lovebird cages fresh, clean, and in shipshape.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018