Sunday, August 23, 2020

A Pet BUDGIE Bird Always Need Proper Love, Care, Affection

Photo  by Jordi Cucurull 
When taming a Budgie it takes lots of your time and patience. So as to tame this bird, you need to develop a bond of trust between you and your pet. Keep in mind that you just are larger than your Budgie Bird, and it's doable for him or her to feel vulnerable by your size. By developing your relationship slowly with lots of patience, ease, and heart, your pet bird will become one in all your nearest friends in no time.

If you like your budgerigars, then you wish them to own an extended and happy life by your aspect. Sadly, there is a ton of confusion and content around what makes a healthy budgerigar diet. And, as we tend to all grasp, a balanced and wholesome diet is crucial to staying healthy. The truth is that budgies want a lot of identical diets as people to be healthy. Wherever we have a tendency to eat wheat, corn, or potatoes, they'll have seed or pellets instead; however, they have an honest mixture of recent fruits and vegetables, a bit like we have a tendency to do. In the wild budgies feed virtually completely on ripening grass seeds and nourishment, however ripening seeds have a distinct nutritionary content than absolutely mature ones.

Browse on to find out the way to tame this type of paraquet. Things you'll need when you want to tame your pet parrot this is Affection, Patience, Trust, and Love. Begin your Parrot Training with 10- to 15-minute sessions every day. These are going to be the tools for assembling a bond of trust. Visit your bird by his cage at concerning an equivalent time daily. Speak softly thereto, and leave your hand before the cage in order that he or she will see it. Do not wave it with any huge motions; however, simply leave it still in order that they'll see it. Ensure that you simply are not on the move lots throughout your initial few times of coaching.

Begin slowly gap the door to your budgie's cage when regarding four to seven days of simply approval your bird. Initially, the parakeet might act afraid, however with time and your trust, he or she is going to slowly begin to open up. Begin simply by departure your hand within the cage while not truly swing it closes to the bird. The concept is to let your parakeet get accustomed to having your hand within the cage. Hold your hand close to your shell parakeet once he or she has learned to trust your hand. Approach your bird slowly, so it doesn't scare him or her. Use your index as a perch for the shell parakeet. If all are properly done this type of parrot becomes a great pet.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

CAIQUE PARROT Care - 5 Tips For Caring For Your Pet Caique Bird

Black-headed Parrot (also known as the Black-h...
Black-headed Parrot (also known as the Black-headed Caique and Black-capped Parrot)
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Caique Parrots are delightful little parrots with lively personalities that make them wonderful pet birds. Here are 5 tips for caring for your bird so that it can live a long and healthy life with you and your family.
Food-Since Caiques are known for their love of food, starting with this tip seems very appropriate. They need fresh fruits and vegetables, sprouted seeds, some table food, and a high-quality pellet mix as a supplement. Change water as often as needed for it to be fresh. This will cut down on mold growth and infections that can result from ingesting mold. When feeding fresh food be sure to remove the food from the cage after several hours for the same reason.
Cage-Even though small, they are quite active and do best when they can move freely in the cage. Bigger is always better when it comes to the size of the cage, but a minimum size should be 24'" high by 24" wide by 24" deep. Since they are avid climbers, horizontal bars will be greatly appreciated by your bird. Avoid metals that are toxic to birds, and make sure your cage is certified as bird safe. Wood cages should also be avoided as they love to chew, and you would soon find your bird had escaped by chewing through the bars of a wooden cage. Sizing the cage properly keeps your pet happy, and can prevent undesirable behaviors from developing due to boredom. A happy Caique will provide unsolicited entertainment from morning to night, and all you have to do is have time to watch the show.
Interaction-These little parrots love people and need people to love them back. They can benefit from at least an hour a day of interaction with humans. They should be closely supervised as they are fearless little birds and can easily get into things they shouldn't. Go slowly and supervised carefully when introducing other pets.  Never leave a child alone and unsupervised with the bird. Small children may unintentionally frighten, or make the bird feel threatened, and you can easily prevent disaster by being there when your Caique is exercising outside the cage.
Training-Caiques respond well to training. Most can learn to speak, do tricks, and whistle songs. And once these skills have been perfected they are more than willing to take center stage and perform for you, family, and friends. Training sessions should be short and daily if possible. Always reward your bird and end before your bird's attention span wanes. Remember that training is not only to teach your bird something new but is a great way to continue to bond with your Caique. Make it a time that your bird looks forward to.
Preserving their Health-With proper care these parrots have been known to live for as long as 30 years. Like many parrots, they are susceptible to airborne disease and infections such as Psittacosis and other respiratory illnesses unless their air is kept clean. Since birds in captivity are subjected to much more dander, feather particles, and other pollutants found in many households, filtering their air will keep their airways clearer, keep them healthier, and ultimately increase their life span.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Beautiful Bright BLUE JAY

English: Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) – DeSo...
Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) - (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Growing up in the Northeast I was always able to enjoy the beauty of the Blue Jay. As I got older and learned more about them I realized that the only thing that surpassed their beauty was their meanness. They are known as the 'Nest-Robbers' of the Northeast.

Diet And Reason For Their Bad Reputation

They are a common sight nearly anywhere within the eastern half of the continent. Here they find lots of nuts, seeds, and insects to feed on. However, in the Spring they turn to eat the eggs of other birds as well as their already-hatched chicks.

What a lot of people don't know about a Blue Jay is that it can imitate a Sparrow Hawk's cry perfectly. They can send the small birds from any area flying to find coverts and another shelter to keep from being attacked from the would-be predator. While they leave their nests to seek to cover the Blue Jays help themselves to eggs or young.

This behavior has earned the Blue Jay the bad reputation it so honestly owns. As the eastern forests are slowly cut away it opens up even more defenseless birds to these kinds of attacks. This increase in access to the smaller woodland birds has caused the aggressive and beautiful Blue Jay to thrive while warblers, vireos, and other small birds have populations that are shrinking.

Nest, Eggs, And Migratory Habits Of The Blue Jay

A Blue Jay nest can be found on a horizontal branch, a vine tangle, or a shrub. The nests are bulky yet quite compact. They consist of strips of bark, lichen, rags, grass, paper, string, moss, and twigs. They are lined using fine rootlets and then cemented together using mud.

They lay eggs that are a variable of colors. They are greenish, bluish, or buff and are spotted with brown.

They spend the Winter within the U.S. for the most part except the ones found in the Northernmost tip of the country. This part of the Blue Jay population can be partially migratory. They have expanded their range westward being seen more often in urban-type areas and suburbs. Their scream is shockingly similar to the Red-shouldered Hawk.

When it is time to travel they do so in small family groups. This usually happens late in the summer or early in the fall.

Breeding and Courtship

The Blue Jay breeds in parks, residential areas, open woodlands, and in forests containing deciduous and conifer trees. The courtship ritual consists of a showing of male aerial prowess and bobbing up and down before the female. Feeding the female is also a part of the courtship ritual.

The Blue Jays in the Northern part of the country will usually have one brood. The Jays found further South will enjoy longer warm weather and may have two to three broods.

In spite of their rather mean disposition, they are a dazzling spectacle when they come into the yard. Beautifully marked and a bit larger than many of the birds in your back yard, they definitely command attention whenever they are present.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

RINGNECK PARAKEETS and Parakeets in General - Small and Smart

Two Rose-ringed Parakeets (also known as the R...
Two Rose-ringed Parakeets (also known as the Ring-necked Parakeet) at Canberra Walk-In Aviary, Gold Creek Village, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia.
(Photo credit: 
There are many different parakeet bird species in the world, all with varying personalities, handling, and feeding requirements. Although this makes every parakeet bird species very different, they are also similar in many ways. All parakeets are constantly on the go, curious about their surroundings and always playing with toys or exploring the world around them. Also, they all look very similar - small, colorful birds with long, tapered tails.

Parakeets are easy to take care of because they don't have many specialized requirements, unlike larger parrots that are available as pets. They are also easy to tame and tend to get along with other bird species, making them a good choice for a child's pet. They are also incredibly entertaining, having the ability to learn tricks as well as learn to talk. This can provide endless entertainment for you and guests to your home.

Ringneck parakeets or rose-ringed parakeets are easily tamed and trained choices for a household pet. They are naturally green in color with red beaks and the males have a black and rose-colored ring around their necks (hence the name 'rose-ringed parakeets'). However, it is possible to obtain different colored ringneck parakeets that have been specially bred such as the blue and cinnamon ringneck.

The only downside of ringneck parakeets is that they need a lot of attention as they tend to get moody and snippy if you don't handle them daily. If your once gentle bird turns into a biting menace, resist your first instinct to be aggressive back as this will only encourage it to bite more. Instead, ignore it and be gentle so that it realizes that you aren't a threat to its existence.

Their intelligence causes them to become bored easily and when they are bored, ringneck parakeets chew things. Thus, it is important to provide them with toys and other suitable objects to chew on or else you run the risk of them destroying something that you value.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

DARWIN'S FINCHES and the Creationism Evolution Debate

Darwin Finch Photo: Wikimedia
Evolutionists have used Darwin's finches to give evidence to give credence to their theory in the creationism evolution debate (called macroevolution). Scientific evidence does not support the idea, however.

For those unfamiliar with Darwin's finches, these were the birds that he believed gave some evidence that evolution was possible. He discovered these birds when he travelled to the Galapagos Islands near South America.

He took weeks to study these birds and realized that the length of the beaks, tended, to increase in size when there was a famine. This was necessary, he thought, to obtain the seeds during famines(The seeds were not as easy to get to).

Because of this increase in size, Darwin counted on the fact that these types of changes would eventually lead to the finch evolving into another type of bird (or else this kind of thing was possible).

Eventually, Darwinists took this line of thinking even further and used these finches as a great illustration of how evolution occurred.
Little did Darwin or his followers realize that there were quite a number of major problems with this kind of thinking:

1. The finches still were finches. No evolution (macroevolution) ever took place.
2. The beaks of these finches eventually returned to their normal size, once the drought was over.

No evolution ever occurred.

Evolution (macroevolution) only occurs if one kind of creature changes into an entirely different creature. (If this kind of change does not occur then, of course, no evolution has occurred)changes that occur within various kinds of creatures (such as beak size) has nothing to do with evolution (these small changes are referred to as microevolution and no one argues whether these types of changes occur or not.)

But this microevolution has never been known to lead to macroevolution (real evolution) ever. And this is a real problem for those that believe in the theory of evolution. Whether it is finches or any other kind of creature, there has never been even one case of evolution that can be verified (macro).

The example of Darwin's finches, unfortunately, is still used by teachers and professors and found in textbooks throughout the US even though it has been proved wrong decades ago.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

How to Determine the Gender of a CONURE

Sun Conures
Photo  by Anna Panáková 
During the past decade, however, the advent of surgical sexing has revolutionized the breeding of all parrots and many other species where there are no visual means of distinguishing between the sexes. This process entails a direct examination of the gonadal region, made by the insertion of an instrument called an endoscope through a small incision in the abdominal wall. Laparotomy sexing, as the procedure is also described, is usually carried out under an administered anesthetic.

Recovery will be much quicker if a gaseous agent is used by the veterinarian, although an injectable anesthetic is equally safe. Inexperienced hands mortality is extremely low, although conures suffering from respiratory ailments of any kind may have a poor prognosis. Laparotomies can be useful for diagnostic purposes, being a reliable means of confirming the presence of the fungal disease aspergillosis within the body cavity, for example.

In many areas, veterinarians regularly conduct surgical sexing sessions, often in conjunction with local bird clubs. If you need to discover the sex of your conures, arrange an appointment for the procedure. Pay particular attention to instructions for both pre- and post-operative care. The incision is very small and heals rapidly, even when sutured.

You may be able to purchase a pair of conures that have already been sexed. They are likely to be accompanied by a certificate stating their sexes, and distinguishing features, signed by the veterinarian concerned. If you are in doubt, however, assuming the birds appear healthy, you can have the procedure repeated at a later date. The method is essentially reliable, but mistakes can occur occasionally, especially with young birds. There is also a risk that the birds may have gotten muddled afterward unless they were clearly marked. Some dealers mark birds of one sex by clipping a feather in a particular way, which serves to distinguish them until the next molt. For easy visual recognition, the tip of the tail can be cut in the case of hens for example, if it is not possible to keep the sexes apart.

Alternative Methods
Other noninvasive means of sexing have proven less reliable, although research is continuing in these areas. One option is fecal steroid analysis: the birds' droppings are tested for the relative levels of male and female hormones. This method, if perfected, will simply require a sample of droppings to determine a bird's sex. There will be no need to catch the bird or administer any drugs. Another promising method of laboratory sexing is chromosomal karyotyping, based on a small sample of blood. The chromosomes present within the nucleus of cells provide a means of distinguishing the sexes microscopically once the pair of sex chromosomes have been located. Those of the hen are of uneven length, comprising a long chromosome and a shorter member of the pair.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Futurity RACING PIGEONS Discussed

Pigeon fancier with one of his racing pigeons ...
Pigeon fancier with one of his racing pigeons
in Greenock, Scotland.
(Photo credit: 
Can anybody race pigeons? This may be a question that you have in mind but you need a definite answer for it. Well, generally, anyone who is fairly interested can be involved in racing pigeons. After all, it is not only a kind of sport but is qualified to be a hobby as well. In fact, some even consider it a business from which they earn a healthy profit. 

Historically speaking, even the king of England, George V, kept a loft that had many racing pigeons in it. The others are of course not known to many but one thing is for sure. That is, those who race pigeons are tough competitors. They see this sport as a very promising one that they really work hard in training their birds. 

Many of the pigeon racers to date represent the different classes of life. The Kings Cup race was actually once won by a racer who only shipped two birds. He was also the declared second placer the year before he finally bagged the much-coveted prize for the race.

Meanwhile, if you are a beginner in this field, you likewise need to learn the ups and downs of training pigeon racers. A great tip is to purchase the young pigeons and then let them join in the so-called one loft race or futurity race. With this, the birds can be trained to compete with one another and at such a tender age, they are already molded to become great racers.

So you are wondering about what a futurity race is all about. To set the record straight, the futurity race is a kind of event that is being sponsored or held by loft managers or the pigeon clubs. The entire purpose for which is to bring together all the top trainers from different countries who will then compete against each other for a stipulated price. 

South Africa holds one of the hugest futurity races. The event is therefore referred to as the Million Dollar Race. It is only a one loft race which means that the pigeons included in the race should return to the same loft where they came from.

In the United States, there is the Lou McElroy Futurity which was incepted in the year 2000. This race places the pigeons into various lofts and comes under different handlers. 

What is basically great about futurity racing is that anybody who has hoped to join such an event can enter his pigeons. Even when the birds don't have much training, it is still alright. The loft handlers and managers are experienced in handling different birds and they really do a great job with it. What more is that they are also paid only a fraction when the pigeon is able to qualify. That is why they will really work hard so their handled birds can make it to the racing event and they can earn money in return.

Overall, a racing pigeon is for anybody who is practically interested in competing and winning.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

FEEDING PET BIRDS - How to Give Your Small Pet Birds the Right Food for Health and Vitality

Photo  by Rodrigo Soldon 2 
Feeding requirements for your SMALL PET BIRDS is very easy to sustain.

The proprietary bird seed mix is reasonably priced and contains a suitable mixture of varying seeds to help give your bird the right nutritional balance. There are loads of different choices however and you could easily become overwhelmed by the choice available, try not to go for the least expensive as it rarely meets the right balance, but also don't go for the most expensive as the excessive price is rarely justified to meet your small pet birds requirements. Somewhere in the middle is best.

Make your choice and then stick to it and buy the same mix of the same brand every time, a sudden change in the staple diet of your pet bird will likely cause digestive and health difficulties, if you must use a different mix then it is imperative that you introduce it gradually - half old half new to start and then gradually decrease the amount of the old brand and replace with the new; so don't allow your previous mix to run out before purchasing the new type.

If you keep a number of small pet birds in a mixed flight or aviary then you might think that you need to purchase different types of seed mix for your different birds. Wrong! This will prove rather expensive and very unjustified. The chances are your pet birds will try and eat whatever you give them. Look at the content and product information on the seed packaging, it should tell you exactly what's in there.

For example; budgie mix contains mainly white millet and canary seed, - canary mix contains mainly canary seed, rapeseed, hemp seed, and niger seed, - foreign finch mix contains canary seed, Australian panicum, and white millet, - parakeet mix contains white millet, sunflower seed, canary seed, red millet, buckwheat, safflower seed, and oats, - cockatiel mix contains canary seed, red millet, safflower seed, sunflower seed, hemp seed, white millet, oats, and paddy rice - so looking at the above then a proprietary cockatiel mix will suit all. Notice how canary seed is used in all and millet in all but one, these staple foods for your bird. However, finches and budgies tend often not to bother with sunflower seed but your other parakeets and cockatiels will eat it. So why go to the expense of different seed mixes when one will do?

If you have lots of birds it's also better value to buy in bulk, you can save a fortune this way rather than buying small amounts at a time. Contact your local pet or animal feeds supplier, and purchase your bird seed mix by the sack load, and if you can't or don't want to fetch it most will deliver it for you.

I have been feeding my birds this way for years and never had any problems, even when breeding.
Feeding pet birds require you to give an assortment of alternative foods, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, to add variety to your small pet birds' diet and help with their health (this is covered in more detail in a separate article). Green vegetables and fresh tree fruit (avoid the pips or seeds) are good for your pet birds and easily obtained. Most vine fruits are also OK, plus melon, tomato, bread, unsweetened biscuits. Your birds will also love chickweed, dandelion leaves, and carrots. But see my other article 'Feeding pet birds - A brief outline of alternative foods to give to your small pet birds' for more information.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

BLUE-FRONTED AMAZON - The History and How To Take Care Of This Beautiful Parrot

Blue-fronted Amazon, also called the Turquoise...
Blue-fronted Amazon also called the Turquoise-fronted Amazon and Blue-fronted Parrot kept as a pet in Argentina.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Blue-Fronted Amazon Parrot is actually one of the best Amazon parrots with the ability of speech and sounds. Their talking ability varies greatly from individual to individual, but some speak nearly as well as the Yellow-headed Amazon group. These Amazon Parrot originated from South America and is average in size. They can probably live up to 50 to 60 years or more, but little is known about their life span in captivity. 

Blue-fronted Amazon's average height is 14 - 15 inches from head to the tip of the tail and weight average being half a pound to just under a pound. The Blue-fronted Amazon also called the Turquoise-fronted Amazon and Blue-fronted Parrot is a species of Amazon parrots and one of the most common parrots kept in captivity as a pet or companion parrot. They have blue feathers on the forehead above the beak and yellow on the face and crown with blue and red streaks at the tips. The Blue-fronted Amazon reaches sexual maturity at around two to three years of age. The Blue-Fronted Parrot is a highly intelligent species; however, they can also be quite moody at times.

The Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot lovers are very worried, because of illegal capture of wild birds every year. Data concerning the reproductive biology will serve to guide future decisions about the management and conservation of this species. This was because the public was prepared to pay high prices for the Yellow-naped Amazon, Double Yellow-headed Amazon and the Blue-fronted Amazon (having heard that they were the best talkers) but would not pay high prices for the Orange-winged Amazon parrot, because they had previously been imported as wild-caught birds in such huge numbers that prices for them had always been low. Blue-fronted amazons are good pets but generally not the right bird for first-time owners.

They are very easy to feed. Basic nutrition is supplied through any of the many fine vitamins, mineral, and protein-enriched large hookbill seed mixes or pellets available at your local pet shop. Amazons feed on fruits and seed in their natural habitat and they can attack crops, especially citrus.

A cage with a playpen roof is highly recommended for Amazons as these birds love to sit up top and look around. Blue-fronted Amazons enjoy chewing wood and should have wooden toys or prepared wood for chewing "only give toys that are designed for parrots". A parrot's cage should, of course, be cleaned out every day and some of the old sand can be used again if the droppings are removed by sifting it. They need a cage that has enough room that they can move around in and also be able to spread their wings. A suggested cage is 4 feet wide by 4 feet tall by 8 feet long suspended 4 feet above the ground or floor. They require a cage with toys and equipment to keep them entertained. They have a tendency to nip which is their way of expressing themselves and exploring their surroundings.

These Amazons are heavy-bodied and care must be taken not to cut too many feathers. Blue-Fronted Amazons, males can be aggressive in spring, the mating season. Blue-fronted Amazon is one of the most common companion parrots. It is endangered in its natural habitat in North-eastern Bolivia, South-Western Mato Grosso, Brazil, Paraguay, northern Argentina and Northernmost Buenos Aires.
Also, they have this new toy out that talks to the bird with your voice. Maybe you could do some training while you are at work plus it will keep them busy for a little while. All parrot need a lot of attention.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Finding A HERBIVORE PET for A Herbivore Person

Keel-billed Toucan (also known as Sulfur-breas...
Keel-billed Toucan (also known as Sulfur-breasted Toucan and the Rainbow-billed Toucan)
 (Photo credit: 
As a vegan, I welcome my home to a herbivore pet of any kind. While I have a problem with the natural order of the circle of life, I find myself unable to feed one animal to another so all of my little companions are happy little herbivores like me. This article is meant to help any other vegan that feels the same way in finding a herbivore companion of their own. If you own larger land, you may want larger herbivores that need more room to frolic and that's cool too! The best part of having an animal around is the feeling you get knowing they feel comfortable in your presence.

Indoor Pets
So far when it comes to a herbivore pet to play with at the house you'll have a choice of a few furry little mammals, a couple of birds, and a reptile. The mammals are rabbits, guinea pigs, and chinchillas. All of them are vegan rodents and can be kept in cages. Whenever you take them out to play with making sure any children near the pet are careful when they are handling the little guy. Macaws and Toucans are iconic birds and are both vegans! Macaws aka parrots love to bond with their human friend if treated right. Toucans may try to take a bite out of a bug but if you supply it with enough fruit it will stick as a herbivore. Iguanas, like Toucans, will eat bugs, but only if they're starving so feed it the right kind of leaves and it will stay a true vegan pet.

Outdoor pets
Having little indoor pets may be too limited for you and you may be willing to share quite a bit of land for a herbivore friend. The best kind of vegan pets to suit your standards would be horses, emus, goats, cattle, and capybaras. Most people see horses, goats, and cattle in many different ranches and farms but I bet most people don't think twice that those animals are vegans. Emus are a close relative to ostriches and can get up to 6 ft tall. These guys have legs strong enough to tear down wire fences so it's good to keep the properly contained for their safety and your properties safety as well.

Capybaras are giant rodents, it sounds terrifying but they're lovable oafs. They are a cousin to guinea pigs and you may notice they bark like dogs. They will always keep a smile on your face.

Green Love
A herbivore for a pet as a vegan has you appreciating nature more knowing that you are connected with your companion in more than just diet but also as a friend. Understanding the animal before making it a lovable pet should be the most important part of the decision process. Always consider adopting an animal from animal shelters like the humane society. The best part of any animal relationship should be how comfortable and loved the animal feels towards you, the guardian.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

GOULDIAN FINCH - Erythrura gouldiae

GOULDIAN FINCH - Erythrura gouldiae - Photo: Trisha Shears Wikimedia

Sunday, June 7, 2020

The KEA PARROT - The Clown of the Mountains of New Zealand

Photo by SidPix
The Kea parrot is also known as the "Nestor parrots" and some call them the "mountain parrots". Keas' lives in the South Island of New Zealand, in the high-altitudes, meadows, and mountain range, they nest in burrows under rocks and among tree roots.

The Kea has a life span of 14 to 20 years of age, stands 16-19 inches tall, and weighs between 31 to 35 ounces.  The males and the females have basically the same coloring; which is a dull olive green, their feathers are edged with a dark brown giving them a scalloped look. Their breast is greenish-bronze, the underside of their tail is green and blue with orange and yellow tips, their crown is a yellowish-green and their bill is a solid brown.

One reason they might be called mountain parrots is that their feathers are so thick they can tolerate the cold, snow, and windy conditions in the mountains. Their long slim bill is used to find food between the rocks, they also dig for food using their talons which are long and sharp.

The Kea's diet in the wild consist of seeds, fruits and berries, roots, leaves, flowers and being omnivorous they eat insects, worms and they also other dead decaying animals.

They are very intelligent and very nosy (like they say inquiring minds want to know), if one bird sees something of interest they all will be interested also. They seem to have no fear of humans at all. They will peck the rubber tires on vehicles and sometimes even cause damage; they will carry away anything they can get in their beak, from food to toys and even clothing.

Kea parrots are very social birds and live in groups of 10 to 14 birds They will even help each other to find food and once found will share it with others. This also is a learning experience for the younger Kea parrots.

If a person is thinking about owning one of these parrots they better be able to interact with them because they demand a lot of attention and can be very destructive. Their cage should be at least a sixteen-foot square.  Individuals do poorly in captivity so if you are really brave I would suggest at least having two, to keep each other company when you are not there, if that isn't an option try hanging some mirrors so he doesn't feel so alone. 

Toys are a necessity to provide the activities that these curious and intelligent birds must have to stay physically and emotionally healthy. Give toys that require them to solve a problem; like taking something apart to find food such as dried fruit or nuts or something else to chew on or just taking what he found apart, anything that will stimulate and keep them busy.

Remember also the Kea parrot loves to dig and play in dirt put a box of dirt in the corner of his cage and hide pine cones, nuts, pieces of wood, rattles, and if you can stand it why not some worms.

Monday, June 1, 2020


English: Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao). Two at Low...
Scarlet Macaw (Ara Macao). Two at Lowry Park Zoo,. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Scarlet Macaws are one of the larger parrots species. They can reach 36 inches in length, although half of that is it's a slender tail.

Getting one of these parrots is not a short term commitment. Some have lived to be 75 years old, and the average life span is between 35 and 50 years.

They are mostly scarlet-colored with blue on the wings and tail with a yellow band on the upper wings below a scarlet shoulder. The Scarlet Macaw's upper beak is white and the lower beak is black. They have a white, featherless ring around their eyes. They tend to be more high strung than the other macaws and have a tendency to pinch when young which can lead to biting if not discouraged early on.

You shouldn't try to discourage a young macaw from pinching by being aggressive and slapping it. If you make it afraid of you it will naturally want to bite when you get too close. Their high strung nature makes them nervous when there is a lot of noise and activity. Something to consider if you have children.

That's not to say that they can't be taught to get along and even play with children, but it takes the proper training for both the parrot and the children.

If it gets bored and starts screaming the noise it can make is enough to drive you out of the room.

A common reaction to a screaming macaw is to yell at it to shut up or to give in and give it a treat or toy to play with.

You don't want to reward your macaw for screaming or it will figure out that the more noise it makes the more attention it gets. When your parrot is screaming you need to ignore it, and then when it finally quiets down give it some attention.

It will eventually learn that screaming isn't going to get it what it wants.
Scarlet Macaws are quick to learn, and when handled by someone with an experience they become very loving playful pet parrots.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Training Your Pet PARROT

white cockatoo
Photo  by Aidan Jones 
PARROTS are excellent pets. You might quickly find that these particular birds are unquestionably very intelligent and also their ability to be trained to make them fun to train. Remember that any animal which often exhibits signs of high intelligence could very well become bored, which means that your role really should be to train your pet parrot and in addition spend the time it's going to take to help with making the bird into a magnificent pet. It will need a little to train a bird, however, with the proper training program, your parrot will provide you with numerous years of friendship.

It is possible to train your parrot once you stick to a couple of simple steps. Anytime "school is usually in" to the parrot, it's always best to take your bird from his or her parrot cage and work in a small low-noise space. Your parrot might be more likely to be receptive and remember instruction when it is inside a new surrounding. The other challenge you ought to try, do away with pretty much all disturbances in your house. When your parrot has become diverted during the training, it won't be taught well. This indicates that you need to power down radio stations, television, and possibly even the handset. Also, realize that parrots are much just like children. They've got very short attention spans, for this reason, small exercise sessions are usually beneficial.

Additionally, begin to set up your parrot's training program time near to their life schedule, not yours. Following a treat is actually, the perfect time with regard to training since your parrot would be content and definitely will be aware. Your parrot will take delight in plenty of compliments. Even though you may find that you have not been successful, don't allow your bird to realize your levels of stress get higher. This will make it a distressing experience relating to your bird and you'll have a harder time helping your bird involved in learning later on in life.

If you find yourself willing to teach your parrot a fresh, new trick, your pet parrot will obey well to sweets and as well as rewards. Remember the fact that almost all creatures react much better to compliment as compared to punishment. Attempt to avoid hitting your parrot, even if they are behaving mischievously. Ignoring this behavior will be your very best wager whenever training your pet parrot. Birds do not understand punishment or unfavorable reinforcement. In reality, if you actually react to your parrot's inappropriate behavior, your pet might actually notice this as praiseworthy attention. Remember the fact that while your parrot will enjoy food treats as rewards, try to accentuate the favorable and boost effective conduct with lots of rewards and playtime. Otherwise, your parrot may only execute the tricks you desire them to be able to when some kind of food reward can be acquired.

Repetition is actually the key to successfully training your pet parrot. Repeating these types of basic steps repeatedly till your pet "gets" the technique is a good method to train your parrot to perform. This will work nicely with regard to basic instructions and superior tricks. If you have just gotten your pet parrot, begin out with very easy tricks, for instance teaching your parrot to sit on your hand on demand. Choose a word for each trick and employ it whenever you train. Above all, never ever force your parrot to train. If you realise your parrot is usually exhausted or maybe uninterested, then halt and try out again yet another time.

When your parrot learns way more instructions together with tricks, you can start shifting your training program closer and closer to the bird's cage. As they start to get better at their new skill, they may feel safe executing in his or her cage and additionally in the hustle and bustle within your home. Birds quickly learn more likely than not, and often by merely tuning in when they are not in training, that might result in humiliation to you if he or she learns something inappropriate.

Teaching a parrot will take a good deal of time and determination. You will need to really enjoy your parrot and furthermore need a great deal of your time and commitment. if you want to make this particular loving relationship worthwhile. Thanks to patient exercise along with love, you have a really good and well-behaved pet that is along with you for a very long time into the future

Sunday, May 24, 2020

QUAKER PARROT: Just What You Need To Know

English: Monk Parakeet or Quaker Parrot (Myiop...
Monk Parakeet or Quaker Parrot (Myiopsitta monachus). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you want a bird who can talk, a Quaker parrot is the one you're looking for because parrot Quaker training is easy. It is a fast-learner, develops a bond with the owner, and loves to be around people.

Results would be better if just one member of the family would teach a parrot how to talk. Even so, you can hear the bird imitating the other members of the family as well.

Have you seen a Quaker parrot up close? It is a mid-sized engaging parrot, growing to around 1 foot in length. A Quaker parrots' top is bright green, its chest and face are colored white to grey, although as years have gone by and breeding has taken place, the colors have changed a little

The family's pet parrot
Two things can describe this parrot: affectionate to its owners and very gentle. This makes it perfect for little family members. Larger parrots on the other hand might not be since they become aggressive when mad.

Originally, these Quaker parrots were green and white but since the species evolved during the years, and due to breeding in captivity, there are a variety of color combinations and different shades, too.

An active parrot likes to play around with toys, especially if he is home alone or when there is no family member available to play with him. A climbing gym, the ones with bells is a good example and will surely keep him amused for a very, very long time.

Would you consider keeping a Quaker parrot as a pet?
This kind of parrot would be a very good pet not just because it is affectionate and gentle but it adapts well to different environments. This is a very big advantage when keeping a pet bird but we all know that if there is a positive side, there must be a negative side.

Some states do not allow keeping the Quaker parrot as a pet. Because it can adapt well, these parrots that have often flown away have caused problems in the agri-industry and that's why they have been considered illegal. Sadly, if these are found anywhere in the states, they will be killed. Check laws first before considering buying a Quaker parrot, especially if you live in the southern areas of the United States.

If you do decide to keep a pet bird then you will find parrot Quaker training easy because of its intelligence.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

How to disinfect the BIRD CAGE

Before setting the bird into its “ lodging ” you should do something else 

Never the less that the birdcage is new, and the perches are ecologically clean, they should be disinfected carefully. I call this operation “carbonation ”, because as a “disinfectant” gas for burning is used, and gas for cigarette lighters can be used but it can be quite expensive. 

How to proceed : 

Wash both the birdcage and the wooden sticks with soap and hot water. 

Leave them dry well especially the sticks because they soak with water and drench. 

Prepare the gas and a cloth with which to put the gas over the perches and the birdcage. It is compulsory to put gloves ( surgery or household for washing plates ), otherwise, your hands will smell awful. 

Slightly damp the cloth, but not to drop gas from it, and carefully rub the birdcage everywhere and the perches. Now the birdcage and the perches are absolutely ready to be completed and to put the bird inside. 

The disinfection is very useful for the bird because when it steps on the “ carbonated ” perches, a part of the gas gets soaked into its legs and then when scouring themselves it goes on its feathers. 

It is good at least once or twice to clean the perches with gas and to change them. That is why I told you, in the beginning, to provide yourselves with wooden sticks. 

o clean the birdcage with gas is more difficult because you are supposed to have a spare ” lodging ” for the bird, where to put it temporarily. Nothing prevents you from cleaning the birdcage periodically with a cloth damped with gas without washing it with soap.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

CROWS as Pets? Don't Even Think About It!

Van Gogh - Wheatfield Under Threatening Skies with Crows - Photo: Wikimedia
In Van Gogh's "Wheatfield Under Threatening Skies with Crows," crows are shown in the middle plane of the painting, like an ill-fated force, between the menacing skies and the grain. True, the crows have an eye on the grain, but they are also unpredictable and playful. Although they act as if they do not even recognize the existence of a human nearby, these birds are always well aware of their surroundings.

I had never thought of crows as pets until I entered the office of someone my husband knew and found a big black crow sitting on her head. This lady was an animal lover and a licensed pet care-giver; she had found this crow hurt and had healed him back to health.

She told me, even though she let him free in her backyard, the crow came back to her. She never kept the crow locked in a cage; although there was a cage with the door removed in her house. She always left a window open and the crow was free to come and go as he pleased. This lasted through the summer.

At the end of the summer, the crow disappeared and probably became a member of a flock, then migrated, because that's what crows do, and keeping them locked up is against the laws of nature. It might have been sad for that lady to see her pet leave since that crow was so bright and loving, but because the lady was so knowledgeable on the subject, she understood.
Crow close-up
Crow - Photo   by     wolfpix   (cc)

Never think of a crow as a pet; you should not even attempt to get, catch, or buy one. To start with, under the Migratory Bird Act, it is illegal to hold a crow and a permit is very difficult or impossible to obtain. Should you, however, find a young nestling crow thrown out of its nest and if you live in the middle of a wilderness, you might try to nurse the bird to adulthood, with the understanding that he will one day leave you.

If you find a hurt wild bird and don't know how to attend to it, take him to a vet or someone licensed in bird care. Around where you live, if you don't know anyone qualified for the job, call your state's wildlife authority or find an Audubon center close to you. You can do so on the website, by entering your zip code.

Helping out an orphan crow is easy because crows will eat practically anything. A good basic diet for such a bird should contain bird vitamins and calcium, oatmeal, hardboiled egg-yolk and some ground beef to make up for the insects most birds are so fond of eating.

If the bird is very young, he'll need to be handfed. Don't be afraid to put your finger gently inside its beak, since baby crows eat from their mothers' beaks. By the time the crow is six weeks old, he'll feed himself. Give the bird enough space to fly, like a room. When he is strong enough, leave the window open, so he can fly away and live his life as nature intended it to.

Crows belong to the family of corvids and they fly in large flocks around the cities, suburbs, and the countryside. Magpies, jays, cloughs, nutcrackers, and a few other birds are related to crows. Most of the crows are black but there are blue, purple, brown, gray, and albino crows in existence.

Crows, as very intelligent animals, are known to mimic human talk and engage in games among themselves. Better yet, they have proven themselves to be too smart to be afraid of scarecrows.

With their unpredictability, crows have encouraged human imagination and have placed themselves inside many myths. Yet, like humans, they possess their own kind of culture or lifestyle that deserves to be respected.