Showing posts with label Parrots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parrots. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

CAIQUE PARROTS As Pets - 5 Reasons Caiques Make Excellent Companion Parrots

Black-headed Caiques. Pets held on hands.
Black-headed Caiques. Pets held on hands.

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Caiques (pronounced khy-eeks) are brightly colored, energetic, and entertaining birds that are small when making comparisons in the parrot world, but have big personalities and a lot of love to give to their humans. Here are 5 reasons you can't go wrong when considering a Caique Parrot as a pet.

Colorful-The division of color on these birds is so striking it almost looks as if an artist used a paintbrush to execute it so perfectly. Black Headed Caiques (BHC) have black beaks and gray feet, shiny black heads, a festive and well-defined ban of orange around the neck area; their backs and tails are a velvety forest green, their legs, and feathers under the tail are orange, and their bellies are snowy white.

The White Bellied Caique (WBC) differs slightly in coloration with a light-colored beak, yellow head, green back, thighs, and wings with yellow coloring under the tail. It is slightly smaller and is not as common. There are no noticeable personality differences between species, and any differences are probably more attributable to the individuals.

Affordable-Prices for Caiques range between $500 and $1,000 USD with pet stores tending to be on the higher end of the scale. Check with an avian veterinarian or do a looking digging on the internet if you prefer to purchase from a breeder or adopt a slightly older bird. Learn as much as you can about the bird's history, spend time with it, and have it checked by a veterinarian before finalizing the adoption.

Great Personality-These are happy birds that, when healthy, are in constant motion. They love playing with their toys (and you should have a large variety) and with their humans. They are affectionate and tend to respond well to anyone who gives frequent attention. They need human interaction, and if you do not have the time to devote to them perhaps another pet would make a better choice. If you are thinking about having 2 to provide social interaction for each other, make sure they are compatible before bringing them home.

Whistle Happy Tunes-Even though they speech capability is not that of the African Grey, most are still able to speak with their high pitched voice and be understood. They also able to whistle and can learn songs that they hear. They tend to learn songs better if their human whistles the songs for them first.

Standard Diet-They love to eat and their food requirements are simple and uncomplicated. Daily offerings should include fresh fruits and vegetables, pasta, and table foods supplemented with a high-quality pellet mix; and fresh water should always be available. Avoid avocado, chocolate, alcohol, and caffeine as they are toxic to any bird. With proper care, these delightful little birds can live up to 30 years.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


A Congo African Grey Parrot in Herborn Bird Pa...
A Congo African Grey Parrot in Herborn Bird Park, Germany.

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The African Grey is a wonderful, sensitive and highly intelligent bird. They require diligent owners and are a serious commitment. However, they are truly delightful and if approached with the correct understanding will make a lifelong companion.

Originating from Africa, there are two distinct types: the Congo African Grey and the Timneh African Grey. The Congo is the larger of the two, measuring 12-14 inches with a bright red tail. The Timneh is smaller, closer to 11-13 inches with a darker coloring and crimson tail. The Congo and the Timneh originate in different regions of Africa.

These highly intelligent parrots became famous from the cognitive studies of Dr. Irene Pepperberg. Dr. Pepperberg worked "Alex", a Congo African Grey. Alex was able to recognize and name more than 100 objects. He could label colors and count. Dr. Pepperberg worked with Alex for over 30 years. It is suggested these beautiful birds have the intelligence of a 5-year-old child. They are sensitive and emotional, resembling the emotions of a 2-year-old child. They require mental stimulation as a 5-year-old child would. If bored or depressed they can be prone to feather plucking. In general, they are anxious and cautious in new situations.

They have a superior ability to mimic humans, often in the person's voice. Usually, they will start speaking after 1 year of age and can often learn several new words weekly. They form strong attachments to their human "flock" and often have favorites. They have been said to be less cuddly than other species, yet loving and loyal. They are the professors of the bird flock and require as much attention as other species.

They enjoy games that require mental stimulation such as foraging for "hidden treasures" of toys and treats. If one chooses to home an African Grey, socialization of people and new surroundings, mental activities and emotional nurturing is very important. They cannot sit quietly in a cage, as one would not ask a 5-year-old child to. But the rewards of the Grey are immense. They are very "human-like" and very special.

African Greys have a lifespan of approximately 60 years and require a serious commitment due to their highly intelligent and sensitive nature. Hardy birds, they require a balanced diet supplemented with fresh fruit and vegetables. If making a commitment to an African Grey, it is highly suggested to annually visit an avian vet for complete check-ups, nutritional guidance, and blood work. Birds by nature will hide illnesses for a long time. Often once the illness is suspected it is too late.

Friday, July 27, 2018

How Much Is That ECLECTUS PARROT In The Window?

Eye & Ruffled Feathers
Our Eclectus parrot Phoenix just after ruffling her feathers scratching - Photo   by sufw 
Of more than 350 species of parrot, the Eclectus is considered by many to be the most beautiful. Eclectus are not just beautiful, however. They are also great talkers, repeating many words and phrases, and singing songs. If you have more than one Eclectus, they will sing and talk to one another as well as to their human friends.

Which Eclectus Do You Want?

Eclectus parrot prices differ according to the Eclectus you want.

The Eclectus belongs to the genus Eclectus and the species Roratus. There are 7 to 9 subspecies within the species. The three most popular are:

1. The Red-sided Eclectus from New Guinea, to the north of Australia. It is the most popular Eclectus in Australia, and highly popular in other lands as well. With plumage that seems to be hair rather than feathers, the male sports emerald green with blue in the bend of his wings When he flies, red flashes from beneath the wings. The female has a red head, maroon body, deep blue to purple breast feathers, and a tail that ends in a pale red-pink to orange.

2. The Solomon Eclectus native to Bismarck and the Solomon Islands, north of Australia. Males have yellow-tinted green bodies with dark blue wings, edged in green. The upper side of the tail is green with yellow edging. The underside of the tail is black, edged with a thin band of pale yellow. Females have stunning red plumage, with dark blue under-wings and a band of dark blue running to the nape. Wings are the same as the male – red-tails have pale edging.

3. The Vosmaeri Eclectus native to Moluccas, Indonesia. Males have a bright green body, with oval patches of bright red on upper thighs, widening across the body when wings open. The tail is blackish blue, tipped with pale yellow. Females have bright lavender breasts, with red bodies and heads. The nape of the neck, upper mantle, and wing bend show deep lavender. The wings are deep red, tails cadmium-yellow beneath, dark red on top, and a band of yellow.

General Pricing

Eclectus parrot prices usually range from the Solomon Eclectus at the low end to the Vosmaeri at the high end.

Breeder Eclectus Parrot Prices

As of the writing of this article (February 2007), Eclectus parrot prices ranged from $800 to $1,200 each. Sample Eclectus parrot prices are listed here:

1. Solomon Eclectus: $800, male or female
2. Red-sided Eclectus: $845, male or female
3. Vosmaeri Eclectus: $1,000 for a male, $1,200 for a female

All Eclectus parrot prices given are U.S. breeders, U.S. dollars.

“Bargain” Eclectus Parrot Prices

When is a bargain a bargain? Eclectus parrot prices can be lower on eBay or other online auction sites. You can also find lower Eclectus parrot prices in local newspaper classified ads. These carry no guarantee, of course, and the parrots may not be healthy.

Whatever the Eclectus parrot prices you find, you will want to be more careful than the buyer in this bit of humor.

The Multilingual Eclectus

A man passing a pet shop sees 3 beautiful Solomon Eclectus priced at $1,500.
He goes into the shop and asks, “Why such high Eclectus parrot prices?”

“Each of them speaks five languages,” says the salesman.

“Five languages!” exclaims the man. “Do they speak Yiddish?”

“Sure,” says the salesman.

The man looks at the Eclectus again. “My mother lives all alone in the Bronx,” he says, “and a bird would be good company for her,” He pays the $1,500, asks to have a parrot delivered to his mother, and goes on his way.

The next day, he calls his mother and asks, “Mom, how did you like the Eclectus parrot I sent you?”

“Oh son, it was delicious!” she says.

“What do you mean delicious?”

“I made soup out of it – came out great!”

“But mom, that parrot spoke five languages!”

“So, why didn't he say something?”

Hidden Eclectus Parrot Prices

Before you purchase, you should consider the fact that Eclectus parrot prices are only the beginning. You will also have the costs of a large cage, toys, food, and other needs. Hidden Eclectus parrot prices can mount swiftly.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Sleep - How Much Sleep Do Most PARROTS Need?

Sleeping African Gray Parrot, Melbourne Zoo March 2015
Photo by thomasswilliams
I, like most people, was first attracted to parrots because of the beautiful colors and the ability to mimic different sounds. The more sounds these beautiful beings were able to make it seemed the more attracted to them I had become. I am still amazed how smart these "Angels with Wings" really are.

One of the most crucial things for a pet owner to realize is the amount of uninterrupted sleep a parrot needs.

While most of the waking day is spent playing, grooming, foraging and finding interesting things to get into, the Parrots although not realized by most, do spend times asleep.

Two basic patterns of sleep are noted by these three elements:

1.) Patterns of the brain waves during different phases of sleep
2.) Eye movement
3.) Muscle activity

A.) Electroencephalography (EEG) - a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain.

B.) Electromyography (EMG) - a test that measures the electrical activity of muscles.

C.) Electrooculography ((EOG) - a test that measures eye movements.

These three testing procedures have been conducted on several species of parrots and parakeets, including the Half-moon Conure and the Budgerigars are known commonly as Budgie.

As in Humans, Birds have been found to have two major forms of sleep.

1) SWS - Shown in a test as slow high voltage brain waves. This stage of sleep appears to be the most important because of the restorative functions of the mind and body.

2) PS - (Paradoxical Sleep) in test show low voltage brain waves similar to those of being awake.

These low voltages are often associated with movement of the eyes (REM).

In humans, dreaming happens during the Paradoxical Sleep stage. It has been suggested that PS may be associated with brain development and learning.

Out of all the parrots studied PS stage was always preceded by SWS. It has also been noted that the Parrots spent a shorter time in PS stage than most mammals or any other avian species. It should be noted, the studies could be ruled inconclusive since the test was conducted under lighted conditions. Although even under lighted conditions it was found that the Half-Moon Conure spent 57% of a 24hour period in a sleep state (SWS or PS).Budgies were 38% of the same time in a sleep state.

An interesting sleep stage was also recognized in the parrots which are referenced as Unihemispheric slow-wave sleep (USWS). Which is the ability to sleep with one half of the brain while the other half remains alert? This is often associated with migrating birds that travel long distances is believed to go into this form of sleep. This form of sleep is also a form of protection while one part of the brain sleeps the other part is alert for predator detection.

In the wild, Parrots normally sleep in groups known as flocks. The flocks are typically found sleeping in close proximity of the feeding areas.

Parrots are much like people when it comes to sleep. Without the proper amount of sleep, parrots can be irritable. Several behavior issues can be associated with the lack of sleep which could include biting, plucking, screeching, throwing food and being generally destructive.

How much sleep does a Parrot need?

A general recommendation is at least 10 to 12 hours of darkness for rest.

When preparing for spaces for your new Parrot keep in mind of the need for quite a dark atmosphere during sleeping hours.

Keeping in mind of your Parrots need for sleep will help you and your Parrot have a more fulfilling companionship.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The Basics of PARROT CAGES

People who decide to have pets at home should provide suitable housing for the animal. This means getting one that is proportional to the size and type of parrot because this will greatly affect the lifespan of the bird. 

It is advisable to get one that is very large. Most of these birds prefer to climb, stretch and play so there must be enough space for the parrot to do this inside instead of it just sitting on a perch located inside the cage.

The housing should have horizontal bars. This will make it easy for the parrot to grab hold onto the sides whenever it feels like climbing inside the cage. The distance between each bar should also be checked so that the bird will not injure itself during this activity. 

Though its true there are some cheap cages that can be found in the market, the owner must not get this based on these criteria alone. This is because the material used in making the cage will not be of good quality that may also pose a danger for the parrot. It is better than to get an expensive one made of stainless steel or powder coated since these are not toxic to the pet. 

Conventional bird cages have doors and latches. People who decide to get a parrot should avoid using this because it can cause injury to the creature’s beak, head, neck or wing. The best to get those are those that are detachable since this has been proven to be safe. 

Most animals produce waste. The ideal carrot cage should have a pull-out tray in the bottom so the owner can just take this off and wash it before putting it back inside. This is better than going inside and to clear the housing of droppings, which will take a long time to clean. 

The parrot cage should come to have a designated area where the bowl will be placed. Some manufacturers sell this with a plate inside while others have to be purchased separately. This should also be removable because this needs to be cleaned twice a day before and after feeding. 

The perch where the parrot sits must be near where the food is located. This will make it easy for the bird to go to when it is time for feeding. 

Having a pet big or small is an enormous responsibility. The individual should have a spacious and safe cage to enjoy many years with the parrot. 

Friday, July 6, 2018

Learn All The Secrets Of The AFRICAN GREY PARROT

Tobias and his friend apple :-D
Photo   by ♡Blackangelツ 
The African grey parrot is a medium-sized parrot that originates from the central parts of Africa. They are said to be perhaps the most intelligent of all parrots, with an adept ability to mimic human words and expressions. This is the reason why they are very popular as pets in modern-day households. Most African grey parrots are predominantly grey all over with a small color difference on their tails, usually maroon or a darker shade of grey.

One incredible characteristic that the African grey parrot carries is its incredible ability to solve even the most complex of problems. Very few parrot species have this kind of ability and it is because of this that the African grey stands out above the rest. This characteristic is tied in with their talking ability as they can learn to mimic any sound just by listening and applying this to their own vocal patterns.

Every African grey parrot has the potential to mimic almost every sound that hears, however some more than others. Parrots that are left alone in their cages with no way to stimulate their brains generally learn to talk or mimic the sounds they hear around them. Parrots that are handled often by humans have no need for the extra stimulation that sound imitation provides them so they often learn very few sounds. This doesn't mean people should neglect their parrots for the sole reason of getting them to talk. There are different training manuals to help parrots learn the basics of sound imitation.

One notorious trait that the African grey parrot has is its feather plucking habit. This can make for a very messy and disease-ridden cage and therefore owners are advised to clean the parrot cage once every two or three days. The reason why a parrot plucks his or her feathers is that it is boring and needs a source of stimulation. If owners spend enough time with their parrot every day, perhaps one or two hours, it will have no need to pluck its feathers as it is getting enough stimulation from the human presence around it.

It is commonly known that an African grey parrot can become almost fully attached to one human and therefore become aggressive towards other people. This trait just proves one thing, that African grey parrots are the perfect companion. You could perhaps say that they are the new mans best friend!

    Author: Dane Stanton - Article Source: GoArticles

Monday, June 18, 2018

The AMAZON PARROT and How They Are Amazing

Yellow-Headed Amazons - Photo: Flickr
The Yellow-headed Amazon (Amazona oratrix), also known as the Yellow-headed Parrot, Double Yellow-headed Amazon, etc., is an endangered Amazon parrot of Mexico and northern Central America. Measuring 38–43 cm (15–17 in) in length, it is a stocky short-tailed green parrot with a yellow head. It prefers to live in mangrove forests or forests near rivers or other bodies of water. It is often considered a subspecies of the Yellow-crowned Amazon. It is a popular pet and an excellent talker. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I am going to introduce you to my Red-Lored Amazon Parrot, Gonzo. He is the mildest in temperament for an Amazon Parrot. He loves to be around people maybe not very cuddly, but his personality outshines that. He is very intelligent and it attentive when being spoken to. He understands you and responds to you when he is told not to do something. He is much like a dog and very loyal. I am very fortunate to have an Amazon-like Gonzo. 

Now we are going to talk about the genus of all Amazon parrots. There are about 30 different species within the Amazon genus. They are all on the CITES index, which means that Amazon parrots, like Macaws, Pionus, Caique parrots all protected exportation out of the wilds like Brazil, Central and South America and the likes of Mexico. 

On what is called the CITES Treaty; CITES stands for Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna. The CITES also known as the Washington Convention was created by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. It was adopted in 1963, the convention then opened for signatures in 1973 and entered into force on July 1, 1985. 

I ask that if you do decide on an Amazon parrot be very careful as to where you purchase your Amazon from. They are an endangered species and they need to be protected by people, like you and I. That is why I highly recommend getting a hand-fed baby or adopting an older parrot. The difference between a wild caught and a domestic parrot is the band they have on their leg; an open band means they have been taken out their country of origin and a closed band means they were hatched and hand-fed in the country you reside in. Many breeders do band their babies for statistical reasons, by keeping clean bloodlines and knowing which aviary the baby came from. If a breeder does not band their babies I would be wary of that purchase. Remember that if one-day certain species of Amazon's may become extinct in the wild, it will be you and I who not let them be forgotten; as they will be our domestic companions.

An Amazon parrot's lifespan, with them being healthy is around 50 years or even longer as long as they have had good nutrition and have been well-taken care with their needs in mind. They are a medium size bird about 10-20 inches from head to toe. Amazon parrots have short stubby tails. Their primary colors are green feathers with coloring on their head and/or their face. Some can be very colorful to just a multitude of greens.


An Amazon parrot's diet, you have to be careful as they have a tendency to become overweight with lack of exercise from being in a cage for a number of hours a day. They eat seed, pellets, fruits, veggies and some may like human food. I highly recommend putting a pellet in their diet. It has nutrients not found in seed. Fresh fruits and veggies are very important as they contain phytonutrients (antioxidant pigments), that is not found in seed and pellets. Your Amazon needs nutritional food and also a variety of other foods because as they become bored, they need the variety for psychological enrichment. Food is mealtime but it is also playtime. Like your two year old child, mealtime is fun time. The fruits and veggies that are rich in vitamin A are dark green leafy veggies, carrots (the baby ones whole), mangos and sweet potatoes.

The reason for vitamin-enriched foods is because Amazon's are prone to this deficiency. All sorts of fruits and veggies can be fed. The fruits you can feed them are apples, pears, berries, mango, papaya, banana, grapes, oranges, tangerines, tangelos. The veggies you could feed them are whole baby carrots (something they can play with), cucumbers, zucchini, red peppers and chilies, even dandelion and chickweed (make sure they are not sprayed with pesticides). Gonzo loves all nuts, though Amazons are known to get obese from fatty food, he also has an indulgence for tortilla chips and ramen noodles. DO NOT feed them avocado as it is toxic to them. Make sure they have clean and fresh water every day. Amazon's like to dunk their food, so you may have to change it a couple of times a day. That is to avoid any bacterial infections. 


Their bird cage should be as followed by the cage guidelines when you are buying a cage for them. Remember twice the width so they may spread their wings and 1 1/2 times in length for their tail. Bar spacing needs to be 5/8 inch to one inch apart. There need to be both horizontal and vertical bars to climb around on. The cage Gonzo has is 24x20x27. 

They need plenty of toys to play with. Make sure the bowls are secured to the cage because Amazons are renowned throwers. I recommend an extra bowl for treats, fruits, and veggies; besides their water and food bowls. 

You need to wash their food and water bowls daily. Clean their cage at least once a week, by washing everything down with water and a small amount of dish detergent. Make sure it is well rinsed off when you put your parrot back into the cage after cleaning. Their trays can become quite messy as everything goes on the floor or below them. They do not have best table manners. I like to change their trays with a newspaper every time I feed them. The newspaper is nontoxic and cheap to get. I do not recommend pine sawdust or ground shells. There is a chance of getting a bacterial infection or them eating it and getting sick. 


We have spoken of bacterial infections and you are wondering "How do I know if my parrot is not feeling well?" The signs can be different so watch them carefully. Watch your parrot carefully because parrots differ from one another when there are signs of illness. If their demeanor changes from lively to sullen, ruffled plumage, resting often with their head tucked into their back (keep in mind that your parrot may prefer to sleep this way), consistent sneezing (yes parrots do sneeze). Now the most noticeable ones to watch for are if they do sneeze and discharge is coming from their nostrils, cloudy eyes and any change in their droppings (feces). I recommend you to have a good avian vet specialist, who you have a relationship with; that knows your parrot so you may call them after hours for any potential issues that should arise.


Gonzo is not caged and we do not have to be subjected to the aggression that Amazons are known for. The more your parrot is out and interacting with the family they are more likely to be friendlier and not so aggressive. Amazon's can be the most aggressive of all parrot species; however, this varies from Amazon to Amazon. Our Red-Lored is one of the mildest and more adaptable to the family life than other known species. These issues can be alleviated by not caging your parrot for excessive periods of time. Gonzo is not caged; he hangs on top of his cage and playpen, watching the day goes by. This also gives him a chance for exercise and prevents the obesity Amazons are known for. Please do not keep them on their perch in the middle of their cage; as they will appear like a stuffed parrot and when approached will bring out their aggressive side. 


How your Amazon parrot behaves. Many are very loyal, like a dog. Extremely intelligent and playful; you can teach them to play basketball and roller-skate; these are typical toys that can be purchased. They are outstanding talkers and yes, even sing opera. Amazon parrots love classical and traditional anthem music. Keep in mind that each species of parrots are individualistic and have differences so you may get an Amazon parrot who does not sing or talk. In our case, our Red-Lored does not sing nor talk, but is fantastic just the way he is. Never get a parrot expecting it to talk, get it because you want a lifelong companion. Amazon parrots are great screamers and vocalization, not as loud as a cockatoo or macaw though. They can be quite noisy at times, especially when the sun comes up and goes down. When it is breeding season and they hit puberty, about 5 or 6 though it could be later, they can turn into Jekyll and Hyde. Ride it out, this your companion you made, it is a commitment to for life.

Amazon parrot loves to bathe with a mister or in the shower, it is a fun time and it can be quite comical. Their world is about playing. May it be with food to the toys in their cage; they see the world as an adventure playground.

Keeping this all in mind; you will have a happy family when you understand your new found companion and their idiosyncrasies. Gonzo is everything that one that anyone could ever ask for. He is beautiful, great disposition in life and shows us how to take one day at a time. We are grateful for Gonzo; hopefully, after you have done all your research and made that commitment as to what kind of parrot you decided on, you have decided on an Amazon parrot.

Peter has four very proud parrot species from all over the world. We have lived with our four parrots for over 15 years. All of our parrots are domestically born. The joy we share with them is immeasurable.

Friday, June 15, 2018

The BLUE-HEADED PARROT - pionus menstruus

Pionus menstruus.jpg
"Pionus menstruus" by Daniel de Duarte Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

The blue-headed parrot (Pionus menstruus) is one of eight species of Pionus parrot native to Central America and South America. Measuring around 11 inches this bird's lifespan is around 25 years. Don't get muddled between this species and blue-fronted Amazon parrots as they are quite different.

The blue-headed parrot is native to South America and Central America and can be found in the America-Amazon basin from Costa Rica to Panama. 

Some good places to spot them in their native habitat are Brazil, Bolivia, Central America, Costa Rica, Trinidad, and Venezuela. In these countries, they live in forests and some more open locations. They tend to live in groups, often roosting in palm trees, and are a sociable bird.

Whilst their name derives from a distinctive blue head this parrot has a number of subtle color markings. The blue of the head extends some way down the chest to the green body. When examined closely it can be seen that they have red coloring beneath their tail feathers and some dashes of yellow on the wing coverts. The mandible (lower jaw area) is black but has reddish areas at the sides. You will also note some reddish feathers around the ceres (a soft, fleshy swelling on the top of the beak).
Of the parrots commonly kept as pets, the blue-headed is one of the most affectionate and calm. With dedicated coaching, they can also be reared into reasonable mimics. However, they are not the best mimics, and in fact on the plus side are quite quiet for parrots.

The blue-headed parrot is comfortable in both an aviary and indoors, but if you have a non-captive bred specimen then the acclimatization process can take up to two years.

For this bird grit and cuttlefish bone are good supplements to the standard parrot diet of parrot mix, fruit, and greens. In the wild, they enjoy seed as the staple food.

One health issue to watch out for with this species is that these generally healthy birds have a disposition to aspergillosis. This fungal disease is marked by poor breathing. In addition to this, a swollen eye ring can be a sign of a nasal blockage. Finally, the Pionus can exhibit flaky bills, but this is just a sign of intensive use rather than something to be concerned over. If you breed your pet you can expect a clutch of three to five eggs.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

SENEGAL PARROTS - Feed and Nutrition

A juvenile Senegal Parrot.
A juvenile Senegal Parrot. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have a 6 yr old Senegal parrot that I hand fed.  My Senegal is named Sunni and he has a vocabulary of about 6 words. He can imitate many noises such as the microwave, smoke alarm, running water and telephone. He has a sweet little personality and has bonded very well with me. I am able to handle him anytime, day or night, and he has only bitten me once when he was a few months old. He will let others handle him, but has bitten on quite a few occasions. Most Senegal parrots are as friendly as Sunni. I have learned a lot about parrot feed and nutrition while caring for my Senegal parrot.

The most important thing in raising a parrot is their nutrition. Most people are led to believe that a diet of just seeds is adequate for these birds, but it is not. In wild Senegal's will eat different foods such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts. I feed a variety of foods to keep my Senegal parrot healthy. His main diet consists of commercially made parrot pellets. There are a few different brands of pellets out there is different shapes, colors, and flavors. Some parrots will take to one kind and not another.

Check out this website Caring for a Senegal Parrot for a list of companies that sell parrot pellets to get free samples. Care must be taken when switching over from a regular diet to pellets. You should only change their diet by about 10% each week.

I supplement my Senegal parrot's pelleted diet with fresh fruits and vegetables. Avacodos and chocolate are POISONOUS to parrots and should never be fed. Sunni's favorites foods are grapes and apples. It is very interesting watching a parrot eat a grape. Sunni "unzips" it with his beak, sucks out the inside, and drops the skin. This also keeps him pretty busy. Parrots like to "forage" for their food so it is recommended that you put bowls in various positions in the cage.

Senegal parrots are drawn to colorful foods and also like things in different shapes and sizes, so experiment!! You can cut up carrots into sticks or squares. Some birds will only eat cooked or steamed veggies and some like them fresh. I like to stick some broccoli in his cage bars and make it look like a tree. Sunni has a blast picking through it!

Noodles and grains are also good for parrots. I do give him meat every once in a while and he eats that heartily! I feed cornbread, wheat bread, whole wheat or white noodles, and white or brown rice. An easy way to get a parrot to eat some veggies is to puree them in a blender and use the liquid with a little water to make a batch of cornbread according to the box directions. I cut these in little "bars" and freeze half for easy thawing.

Seeds and nuts are an important part of a parrots diet but should be given in moderation as treats since they are high in fat. They love sunflower seeds! I also give some spray millet as a treat.  I have also purchased some treat dispensers for birds where they have to work a treat through a maze before they can eat it. It is very important for parrots to stay busy and not get bored as they tend to develop bad habits such as feather picking.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Adopt a Smaller Pet Bird - POICEPHALUS Meyeri

"Mohrenkopfpapagei1 Licensed via Wikimedia Commons.
The bird with the scientific name Poicephalus Meyeri originated from the wilds of Central and Eastern Africa. Meyers have gone through countless hybrids without having to consider instant look "standard" in plume color and other features. Meyer parrots appear to be of six sub-species; each looking perfectly similar with the rest, resulting to lack of dominant marks to distinguish each from the others.

It is believed that breeding has started from the wilds where the bird originated, and gone through with disregard in the proper manipulations and considerations on the bird's total breed. Meyeri parrots are inferior in size compared to other birds, a preferred choice for household pets. Being small saves you from preparing a large cage, conducive to smaller space in its foster home.

Like other parrots, there's no assurance that the Meyer will talk. It takes a lot of patience and determination to let it mimic in return to efforts done in training. The disadvantage of its having gone through unprecedented hybrid processes is believed to have started while on captives in the forests; original breeders, mindless to focus on basic colors.

Later breeders have difficulty in their assessments; as to whether they could still resolve to come up with the desired feather color combinations, that may under mind a fixed determining appearance of the bird. They are less capable to detect how many species are scattered, making for a whole population of confusing inter hybrid in captivity.
Six Sub-species of the Meyer Parrot (Poicephalus Meyeri)
1. Poicephalus Meyeri Meyeri
2. Saturatus
3. Reichenowi
4. Matschiei
5. Damarensis
6. Trasvaalensis
It takes a very knowledgeable observer to detect which this and that, of its sub-kind because of the complicated spread in overall plumage. It's a general vague overview on the breeding approach; and presenting today a big controversy what touch in a hybrid to concentrate, if only to settle to one image. Meyers' bird breeding has similarities to what was done with the Senegal bird; kind of "mind twist" run-down observation tests which, and what sub-species.

Plumages' dominant hue is of gray and brown. Back part is gray, and bills are dark gray. Thighs, wings, crown, and shoulders are yellow. Heads and beaks determine what apparent sex it belongs. Males obviously have flatter heads, but to get the total assurance of its sex is through operation or DNA test.

Mature Meyers weigh 100 to 135 grams, measure between 7 to 9 inches (20 to 22 cm.), and length of wings spread to full span is 5 to 6 inches (14 to 14.9 cm). It reaches sexual maturity from age three to four years old, and lay 3 to 4 eggs, hatched after a period of 3 months (12 to 13 weeks) but could leave the nest after 9 weeks.

    By Low Jeremy Low Jeremy has been writing articles on science, sports and internet marketing for a few years. - Article Source: EzineArticles

Gearbest Binocular for Bird Watching
Binocular for Bird Watching

Monday, June 4, 2018

How To Take Care Of Your PET PARROT

English: Eye of a female Eclectus Parrot (Ecle...
Eye of a female Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus), seen through the wire mesh of its cage. - (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Parrots make wonderful family pets because they are great companions, they are beautiful birds with colorful feathers and you can teach them to talk. But you must have a strong level of commitment to your parrot because he will need daily and weekly maintenance, as well as plenty of attention.

What a Parrot Needs

When you consider how to take care of your parrot, you will have to consider what you will need to get started. The first thing you will need is a large cage for your parrot to live in. Make sure it is big enough for him to move around a bit and be comfortable. To occupy his time and make him feel comfortable you should place a mirror, a swing and a toy in the cage. You will also need something to properly line the cage.

What To Feed Your Parrot

A parrot should have a healthy, well-balanced diet. It should consist of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat, and grains. Peanut butter and cooked eggs are other sources of protein that are good for parrots. Pre-packaged parrot food is certainly another valid option. It takes the guesswork out of feeding your bird a wide variety of balanced nutrition. 

As with most pets, avoid feeding your parrot caffeine, alcohol, chocolate and salty foods.

Teaching Your Parrot To Talk

One of the most attractive features of this type of bird is that you can teach them to talk and whistle. Most people get a lot of enjoyment out of it. It does require a lot of time and repetition though and training should begin when the parrot is young. New words should be introduced with an activity so the parrot can link the two. He may even pick up on words you don’t really want him to learn just because he hears them often.

Whistling may come more natural for the birds and maybe encouraged after you have trained him to talk.

Provide Exercise

Your parrot will need to get daily exercise. Let him out of the cage for a small amount of time, starting with fifteen minutes at a time. Let them fly around the house and tire themselves out. See a professional for wing clippings when necessary.

Beak Care

Never try to trim your parrot’s beak at home. Seek a professional’s help when needed. Some things you can do at home to help your bird with beak care is to provide a concrete perch or a cuttlebone for him.


The basic things you need to commit to for taking care of your bird are quite simple, but they do require some effort on the owner’s part. In addition to never leaving his food bowl empty, you will need to provide him with fresh water twice a day. You will need to clean his cage on a weekly basis. You will also need to groom him 2-3 times per week. This can include a full bath given in a sink or washtub or by simply misting the bird and using specialized bird shampoo on him.

When all the work is done, you will have a beautiful pet that will provide hours of entertainment and joy.

Friday, June 1, 2018

ECLECTUS PARROT - The Ideal Parrot Type For Beginners

Eclectus Parrot - Female
Eclectus Parrot - Photo   by    Kurayba  (cc)
The Eclectus parrot is an Asiatic parrot type that is widely bred in Europe and the United States. This bird, which is endemic in New Guinea, is ideal for people who are looking for their first parrot pet because it can adapt well in a cage and can be easy to care for in comparison to other parrot species. But before you go to your nearest pet store to buy this type of bird, you might want to know the unique characteristics of an Eclectus parrot. Here they are.

One of the things that set this parrot type apart from other birds under the same species is the huge difference in the appearance of males and females. An adult male Eclectus parrot generally has a bright green plumage with some tints of deep blue on its wings and tails and a patch of crimson on its side. The upper bill of the male Eclectus is coral with a bright yellow tip, while the lower part of its bill is black. The eyes of this small parrot, which can grow to as large as 14 inches, are brown. The female Eclectus, on the other hand, has bright red plumage. You will notice that the back, base of the tail, and the wings of the female are deep red. Moreover, you will also find a purplish blue band on the body and tips of the auxiliary wings. Lastly, the mandibles of the female are black.

The temperament of this Asiatic parrot type is quite calm and peaceful when it is inside the cage. In fact, many parrot owners say that the Eclectus is one of the quietest of all parrot breeds. Even when this parrot is dispirited and lonely, you will not hear it complain or make irritating cries. However, make sure that it does not become too lively or agitated so that you won't hear its infamous "Crrah" sound that some people say can be ear piercing.

Another reason why an Eclectus parrot type is good for beginners is that it can easily adapt to its new owners and even crave for their attention and pleasure. Once you have hand-tamed this bird, you can already teach it with tricks and pet it on the head and wings. In fact, you can even expect to hear it mimic a few words. Feeding an Eclectus is simple. Aside from giving it fruits and nuts, you also need to provide it with fresh vegetables regularly.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Essential Guide to Buying The Best Pet PARROT !!

Imperial Amazon (also known as the Imperial Pa...
Imperial Amazon (also known as the Imperial Parrot and Sisserou Parrot)
(Photo credit: 
All bird lovers listen up!! Do you know how many bird species are there in the world?

Answer: Over 9000 species. And out of which the parrot group itself consists of about 330 species and are particularly popular with pet owners.

If you are also thinking of keeping a pet parrot, read below for the tips I am going to provide for selecting the suitable parrot for yourself and the family.

Parrot Buying Tip (1) -- Buy a young parrot

Rearing a new parrot from young helps to facilitate taming. An older parrot can also be tamed just that it takes more time and patience. However, the tricky part is in determining the age of the bird. However, some basic things to look out for are the scales on its legs, the color of the eye and the color of the body. A young parrot often has a dark gray iris that becomes white or brown when it grows up. The scales of young parrots are also much smoother than that of mature birds. Their body color also appears initially to be much duller than when they are matured.

The best option is to buy one which is newly born which is independent of its parent.

Parrot Buying Tip (2) -- Choose the right species of parrot

Do you know the characteristics of the parrot you are interested in buying?

Do they

  • -make tremendously loud voices which can cause huge disturbance to the neighbors?
  • -have powerful beaks that can damage your personal belongings if let free in the house?
  • -need special nutritional foods? Some birds such as the lorikeets need special foods since they feed on nectar. This also relates to cost.

Parrot Buying Tip (3) -- Check the condition of the parrot

If possible, ask for a certified health certificate by the veterinary so that you have an assurance of buying a healthy parrot home. If that is not available, don't worry, you can check out the below factors for some tell-tale signs of the conditions of the bird.

i) Inspect the living conditions of the bird. Dirty or poorly maintained perches, food, and water containers, excess fecal wastes in the cage, all show poor management of the birds leading to bad health. The eyes should also be clear and not showing any discharge. Also look out for any swelling signs which will indicate rising health problems.

ii) The bird feathers should be tidy and clean. Any bald areas on the parrot body could indicate an infection which is very unsightly and may not be able to cure, or it may also be due to the parrot being a feather plucker which means it is getting very boring. This activity may stop when you start to show it more attention. Then again, it is better to stay clear of such birds, since they could be carrying diseases on their bodies which you don't want it to spread to your family members.

iii) Support the bird on its back and check the vent for cleanliness. Also, check for any crusty appearance on and around the beak which could indicate a mite issue subjecting from unclean environments.

iv) Also feel the flesh on both sides of the breastbone, and ensure it is solid and not hollowed. If protruding, it also indicates a nutritional deficiency and should be avoided.

v) Ensures all claws are there. There should be 2 toes pointing forward, 2 facing backward. Check for any protruding leg scales as they could be potential sources for leg mites.

vi) Beware of birds that act aggressively towards you when you try to approach it. Symptoms include fluffing up feathers and eyes dilating when you try to move your hand close to it. These birds are probably not young birds, and they will likely bite you if you cross its safety zone.

Parrot Buying Tip (4) -- Buy from reputable, reliable sources

Buying from well-established and reputable pet shops assures you the best quality services, and often the pets you are buying through them have been certified to be in good health before they release it out for sale.

Avoid open markets, and buying through mail order. It is always good to see and feel what you are buying so that you don't regret your buying decisions later. If you don't, how do you implement parrot buying tip 3?


To summarize, it is great to have parrots as pets, as they can be a good source of fun and companionship. However, it is important to know some essential tips on selecting and buying the right parrot, and this can be categorized into 4 great tips namely to buy a young parrot, choose the desired parrot species, check the condition of the parrot, and always buy from reputable pet shops.